Zenmechanic's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Seattle, Washington

Belfry Oddities

A Seattle oddities shop brimming with Victorian-era gems and antique curio.
Seattle, Washington

Walker Rock Garden

A Boeing mechanic and his wife leave a whimsical, stone sculptured garden as their legacy.
Seattle, Washington

Evergreen Point Floating Bridge

The longest and widest floating bridge in the world.
Seattle, Washington

Eastlake Zoo Tavern

One of the only cooperatively owned bars in the nation wears its eclectic history on its walls.
Federal Way, Washington

Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden

This 22-acre botanical garden is home to the largest collection of rhododendrons in the world.
Seattle, Washington

Georgetown Castle

An allegedly haunted mansion with a tragic, tawdry past.
Seattle, Washington

World Famous Giant Shoe Museum

An old-timey peepshow allows visitors to gawk at some of the world's most freakishly large footwear.
Seattle, Washington

Majestic Bay Theatre

Continuing a tradition of movie magic on the site of America’s oldest continually operating movie theatre.
Seattle, Washington

Mount Pleasant Cemetery

This graveyard contains markers and monuments dedicated to some of the darkest chapters in Washington's history.
Seattle, Washington

Carl S. English Jr. Botanical Gardens

A young botanist's horticultural vision realized through a lifetime of planting, tending, and collecting seeds.
Seattle, Washington

The Georgetown Trailer Park Mall

This offbeat trailer park is home to vintage peddlers, local artists, indie makers, and more.
Seattle, Washington

Hale's Palladium

A brewery warehouse which doubles as a circus bigtop.
Seattle, Washington

Burke Museum Ichthyology Collection

This remarkable collection devoted to the study of fish includes 1 million preserved specimens from all around the world.
Seattle, Washington

Rubber Chicken Museum

The flock of plastic poultry is an ode to the classic comedy staple.
Seattle, Washington

The Wall of Death

A "sinister, whimsical, tacky, and really orange" public art installation hidden under a Seattle bridge.
Seattle, Washington

Ballyhoo Curiosity Shop

This Seattle store is packed with all sorts of curious creatures and creations.
Seattle, Washington

Amazon Spheres

The tech giant built three enormous glass orbs in Seattle so employees could work inside a rainforest greenhouse.
Seattle, Washington

Orient Express Restaurant

This Seattle joint serves food inside an old train car once used by FDR.
Seattle, Washington

Beacon Food Forest

This edible park is open to any and all foragers.
Seattle, Washington

Gum Wall

A wall of chewing gum moonlights as collective art.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle's Official Bad Art Museum of Art

Seattle's own bad art museum located inside Cafe Racer.
Seattle, Washington

Steve's Weird House

A house filled to the brim with oddities and curiosities.
Seattle, Washington

'A Sound Garden'

A huge musical sculpture and other art installations on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration grounds.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Meowtropolitan Cat Café

Make your reservation to have coffee with some kitties.