justin123117's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rhinelander, Wisconsin

The Hodag

The menacing creature had a tremendous influence on the local culture before being exposed as a hoax.
Lake Village, Indiana

Giant Lady's Leg Sundial

A unique outdoor timepiece at a "clothing-optional" resort.
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Gary Gygax Grave Site

The final resting place of Gary Gygax; co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons.
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Gary Gygax Memorial

Legend says Dungeons and Dragons players can get their dice blessed at the creator of the game's memorial.
Volo, Illinois

Volo Auto Museum

Its eclectic exhibits range from the world’s first motorcycle to Luke Skywalker’s Land Speeder.
Palatine, Illinois

Ahlgrim Acres

Take a break from all the boring business of death at this funeral home mini-golf course.
Avery Island, Louisiana

Tabasco Museum and Factory

For 150 years one family has been producing the iconic hot sauce on a bayou island made of salt.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Singing Oak

This New Orleans tree is filled with hidden chimes that produce a carefully tuned melody.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Carousel Bar

The only rotating bar in New Orleans has been slowly spinning since 1949.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Lafayette Cemetery

This historic "City of the Dead" lies prominently in the center of New Orleans' famous Garden District.
Cave-In-Rock, Illinois


River pirates, murderous bandits, and serial killers used this Illinois cave as their debauched hideout.
Mountain Township, Illinois

Garden of the Gods

In the Shawnee National Forest, amazing rock formations peer through the treeline.
Bedford, Indiana

Bluespring Caverns

The longest navigable underground river in the United States is home to countless blind and albino animals.
Casey, Illinois

World Records of Casey, Illinois

The world's largest collection of the world's largest objects is in one small Illinois town.
Oakland, Illinois

Prairie Observatory

An abandoned observatory in the middle of the Illinois prairie.
St. Charles, Illinois

Al Capone's Hideaway & Steakhouse

A onetime gangsters' hideaway where you can dine on steaks, fine wines, and cigars just like they once did.
Batavia, Illinois


World's second largest particle accelerator, where nature reveals its secrets.
Geneva, Illinois

The Viking

A replica viking ship from the Chicago World's Fair is still in dry dock in an Illinois park.
Geneva, Illinois

Illinois State Training School Cemetery

This cemetery is all that remains of a school for "wayward" girls.
Ridgedale, Missouri

Bat Bar in Lost Canyon Cave

If there's another drive-through golf-cart bar in a bat-filled cave on top of a mountain, we don't know about it.
Cochrane, Wisconsin

Suncrest Gardens Pizza Farm

Farms are serving pizza made from their own fresh crops, a growing trend in the American Midwest.
Mattoon, Illinois

Illinois’ Original Burger King

The multinational Burger King chain is banned from operating within 20 miles of a family restaurant filed under the same name.
Hubertus, Wisconsin

Holy Hill

According to the legend, this strikingly beautiful hill has miraculous healing powers.
Sister Bay, Wisconsin

Al Johnson’s Swedish Restaurant

Restaurant in Northern Wisconsin comes with a unique feature: a grassy roof covered in living goats.