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Places edited in Leuven, Belgium
Places visited in Leuven, Belgium
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Leuven, Belgium

The Hanging Gardens of Leuven

A monumental toilet that is also host to rare plants.
Leuven, Belgium

The Inventor of Time Travel Plaque

Above the door of a house, a plaque claims to commemorate the future living place of the inventor of time travel.
Metz, France

Jean Cocteau's Stained Glass Windows

A neighborhood church's unusual abstract stained glass was the final project of avant-garde artist Jean Cocteau.
Brussels, Belgium

Royal Train Station

The Belgian royal family's private depot now stands abandoned and forgotten alongside the tracks.
Como, Italy

Tempio Voltiano

Old batteries and frog skeletons reside in this lakeside monument to Alessandro Volta.
Berlin, Germany

Haus des Lehrers

A socialist building dedicated to teachers showcases one of the largest Soviet mosaics in the world.
Antwerp, Belgium

Nello and Patrasche

This statue dedicated to the story of a Flemish boy and his dog was relatively obscure in Belgium, but a cult sensation in Japan.
Etsaut, France

Chemin de la Mâture

This narrow path was cut right into a French mountainside to feed the country's early naval expansion.
Gatteville-le-Phare, France

Phare de Gatteville

A beautiful lighthouse with as many steps as days in the year, as many windows as weeks, and as many levels as months.
Cricqueville-en-Bessin, France

Texas Marker at Pointe Du Hoc Bunker

The Lone Star plaque hangs in a bombed-out bunker in Normandy to honor a Texan colonel's heroic actions on D-Day.
Nieuwpoort, Belgium

'Searching for Utopia'

A massive, gleaming sea turtle with a rider atop its shell looks out over the horizon.
Arles, France

Arles Amphitheatre

This ancient theater was once the home of fierce gladiatorial battles.
Nordkapp, Norway

North Cape, Norway

At the very tippity-top of Europe is a cliff from which you can view the midnight sun.
Bodo, Norway

Saltstraumen Maelstrom

World's strongest whirlpool.
Utrecht, Netherlands

Rietveld-Schröder House

This still-celebrated home was a radical architectural experiment in 3D De Stijl.
Kemzeke, Belgium

Verbeke Foundation

A collection of weird and wonderful art fills a former houseplant nursery.
Antwerp, Belgium

St. Anna's Tunnel

Rare wooden escalators lead deep down into an otherwise staggeringly monotonous tiled tunnel.
Antwerp, Belgium

Plantin-Moretus Museum of Printing

Most prolific publishing house in the 1600s open to the public.
Antwerp, Belgium

Het Bootje (The Little Boat)

The patron of this extravagant Art Nouveau confection insisted that nothing less than a boat should project from its facade.
Pico, Portugal

Mount Pico

As the highest point in the Mid-Atlantic range this stratovolcano offers spectacular views.
São Miguel, Portugal

Hotel Monte Palace

This abandoned five-star hotel is now a five-star urban exploration destination.
Djenne, Mali

Great Mud Mosque of Djenné

The central mosque of this Mali town is entirely built from mud.
Bandiagara, Mali

Bandiagara Escarpment Cliff Dwellings

These homes carved into the mountains seem to defy the laws of nature.
Timbuktu, Mali

Djingareyber Mosque

One of Western Africa's oldest mosques, this Timbuktu icon has stood for nearly 700 years.