emballistic's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Hasle, Denmark

Jons Kapel (Jon's Chapel)

Local legend says a monk brought Christianity to Bornholm through his sermons in a cave inside this free-standing rock.
Aalborg, Denmark

The Singing Trees

Dozens of musicians have planted trees in this Danish park, and donated songs to go with them.
Aalborg, Denmark


From buck blood to Theriak miracle tonic, this collection of Renaissance chemist's gear look's like a wizard's pantry.
Thyborøn, Denmark

Sneglehuset (The Snail House)

A Danish fisherman spent 25 years covering nearly every inch of his home with tens of thousands of shells as a gift to his wife.
Esbjerg, Denmark

Man Meets The Sea

Four alabaster giants contemplate the tides on the shore of Denmark.
Billund, Denmark

Legoland in Billund

The original home of the Lego has a huge amusement park dedicated to the iconic plastic toy.
Stoholm, Denmark

Mønsted Kalkgruber

Nearly 40 miles and 1,000 years of limestone mines under Denmark.
Camarillo, California

Scary Dairy

Graffiti-covered ruins that were once part of a farm owned by a mental hospital.
Los Angeles, California

Box Canyon

The quiet canyon has a tumultuous history involving a doomsday cult.
Simi Valley, California

House of the Book

A performance hall at the American Jewish University moonlights as a sci-fi film location set.
Skørping, Denmark


Deep in the forest of northern Denmark, this secret underground bunker was built at the height of the Cold War.
Portland, Oregon

Ota Tofu

The oldest tofu shop in the United States is a firm favorite with locals.
Portland, Oregon

Portland's Shanghai Tunnels

The seamy, underground secrets of Portland's criminal past.
Amanlis, France

La Maison Sculptée

An enchanting work of outsider art, full of whimsical sculptures and carvings.
Los Angeles, California

Watts Towers

America's most famous piece of self-built architecture.
Bodfish, California

Remington Hot Springs

One of the last free public hot springs is decorated with hippie art.
Santa Clarita, California

St. Francis Dam

The Los Angeles flood disaster that took 400 lives and ended the career of William Mulholland.
São Miguel, Portugal

Solar Branco Gin Library

A 19th-century mansion houses the largest collection of gin in the European Union.
Pray, Montana

Chico Hot Springs Giant Chicken

The formidable fowl can be found standing near an isolated hiking path.
Lone Pine, California

Mobius Arch

This rock formation named for its unique shape is one of many that call the Alabama Hills home.
Mono County, California

Crowley Lake Columns

Eons old volcanic activity created one of the most stunning rock formations in the United States.
Reno, Nevada

Wilbur D. May Museum

An eccentric millionaire's personal curio collection includes at least one shrunken head.
Reno, Nevada

Hunter Creek Falls

This wilderness hike to a waterfall has an unlikely beginning in suburban Reno.
Truckee, California

Donner Pass Summit Tunnels

The now-abandoned tunnels were built for the transcontinental railroad on the route where the first wagon train entered California.