Over the past few weeks, internet viewers have been thrilled by a Washington, D.C.-based eagle cam, showing the birth of two eaglets. But #dceagle cam is one of dozens, probably hundreds of places where you can get your animal fix while futzing around at work.

For your viewing pleasure, Atlas Obscura has compiled a list of the upcoming spring hatches and births set to appear on animal cams around the web, and as a massive bonus, we’ve thrown in some cams that are simply always showing animal babies. Also: every other animal cam we could find. 


1. Hummingbird Hatchlings 

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

Location: La Verne, California
When will you see babies? Due any minute

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Bella the Hummingbird has been nesting since at least 2005. Her nest is about the size of a golf ball, and her eggs are only about the size of a single tic tac. Every spring she lays eggs, and 2.5 weeks later the internet world watches new life being born. This year, she last laid her eggs on the 6th and 8th of March, which means they are due to hatch any minute now. 

2. Bald Eaglets 

Location: Iowa
When will you see babies? Due in roughly 2-3 weeks.

The Decorah bald eagles nest atop a large white oak tree in a secluded valley near Decorah, Iowa. Their eggs hatch roughly 35 days after they are first laid, which means that three eggs within the nest right now are due about two or three weeks from now. 

3. Horned Owlets 

Location: Montana
When will you see babies? Due in roughly 2-3 weeks.

Like the Decorah bald eaglets, the Montana owlets are due two or three weeks from now. Since owls are nocturnal, this is a live feed worth checking out later at night when the other animal cams have little or no activity.

4. Turkey Chicks

Live video by Animal Planet L!ve

Location: Middletown, Maryland
When will you see babies? All the time.

This is a poult cam—poult being the word for baby turkey. Every month, newborn turkeys show up, meaning a never-ending cycle of cute chicks. The ones with the fluffy legs are “Cochin Bantam” chicks, and when full grown, will have full sets of feather trousers. 

5. Puppies

Location: Different spots around U.S.
When will you see babies? All the time.

This little of golden retrievers are part of ECAD, Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities, a nonprofit that trains service dogs. 

Live video by Animal Planet L!ve

Right now on this puppy cam, you can watch Milan and her pups Zurich, Prague, Lisbon, Oslo, Madrid and Vienna. They’re at the Washington Animal Rescue League, waiting to be adopted.

Warrior Canine Connection trains service dogs specifically for veterans with disabilities, and they have several live cams to let us watch as groups of labs and golden retrievers grow up to become canine heroes. The Puppy Enrichment Center is one of several puppy cams available at explore.org.

6. Rescued Kittens

Location: Different spots around U.S.
When will you see babies? All the time.

This cam permanently shows an adorable collection of rescued kittens who reside in a no-kill animal rescue facility that houses around 100 cats in a cage-free environment. Tune into this cam when you need some cuddly, sleepy kitties to brighten up your day.

7. Calves

Live video by Animal Planet L!ve

Location: Middletown, Maryland
When will you see babies? All the time.

These calves come to us from South Mountain Creamery in Middletown, Maryland. Let the nuzzling and nomming proceed into infinity.

8. Penguin Chicks

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

Location: Aquarium of the Pacific (Long Beach, California)
When will you see babies? All the time.

The fuzzy penguin babies on this cam were born in the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, California to parents named Roxy and Floyd. 

9. Bear Cubs 

Location: Katmai National Park, Alaska
When will you see babies? In July.

A mama bear and her three bear cubs is what you’ll get if you tune into the Brooks Falls animal cam, which features big shaggy brown bears catching fish, wading around, and just generally having a good time in Alaska’s Katmai National Park. Since bear cubs are only due in July, this cam currently hosts a continual stream of highlights gathered from several live cams. 


10. Rabbits

Live video by Animal Planet L!ve

Location: Richmond, California

Meet sisters Butterfly and Petal, two rotund, white New Zealand white rabbits. The pair are part of the House Rabbit Society, an international, nonprofit rabbit protection organization based in Richmond, California. (Occasionally they aren’t within view—just make sure to check back later.)

11. Chickens and Bunnies

Location: Almere, Holland

Let us introduce you to Mees and Merel, two Rex dwarf rabbits and Piep and Plof, two Wyandotte bantam chickens. They’re a feathery and fuzzy squad of best buds, who live in Almere, Holland. On the off-chance you can’t see them, they’re probably playing next door.

12. Sea Otters

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

Location: Monterey Bay Aquarium (Monterey, California)

You can watch sea otters here from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Pacific Time. Daily feeding times are 10:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m. And who knows? Maybe you’ll spot an otter pup somewhere in there.

13. Sloths

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

Location: Atlanta, Georgia

This sloth cam, part of Zoo Atlanta, lets you become virtual best friends with two-toed sloth Cocoa, his lady friends Okra and Bonnie, and baby sloth Raisin. Though it’s currently offline, you can still log in at 1:30 pm ET every other Wednesday for sloth chats.

14. Chipmunks

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

 Location: Newport News, Virginia

The Virginia Living Museum is home to these adorable Eastern chipmunks, who are characterized by the reddish brown fur and black and white stripes. Since chipmunks are burrowing animals, they aren’t always visible on this cam, but that makes it all the more special when you do catch a glimpse of one of these little guys.


15. Sharks

Location: Cape Fear, North Carolina

This underwater cam shows live footage from beneath the frying pan tower, an offshore light tower, and provides an exciting glimpse into the marine lives of sharks, rays, and fish.

16. More Sharks

Location: Long Beach, California

This aquarium cam in California shows straight up sharks, 24-7. If you think aquariums won’t provide you the same kind of excitement as the Great Deep, think again: remember that female shark who ate a male shark in that aquarium in Seoul?

17. Jellyfish

Location: Monterey Bay Aquarium (Monterey, California)

Few things are more calming than watching these serene, colorful jellyfish float their lives away.

18. Kelp Forest

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

Location: Monterey Bay Aquarium (Monterey, California)

Watch this underwater kelp forest cam to see an astonishing array of diverse fish and invertebrates. If you’re lucky, you’ll see a wolf-eel chow down on a squid or some fish.

19. Cockroaches

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

Okay, hear us out here. Cockroaches are nowhere near as palatable the cute and cuddly animals we’ve featured on this list, but in this Animal Planet Live cam, they’ve been set up in the dining room of a miniature house, in which they are the relative size of cats. There’s something oddly fascinating about that.


Location: Earth

When will you see babies? You can’t see them, but millions are there, being born every minute. (Think: 353,000 human babies per day, not to mention the chicks and sloths and cockroaches.)

If you know of more good animal cams, let us know