25 Places to Learn to Love Creepy, Crawly Critters - Atlas Obscura Lists

25 Places to Learn to Love Creepy, Crawly Critters

From the art of spiders and glow of blue fireflies to bugs you can ride and insects you can eat.

Let’s be real—bugs get a bad rap. Often, the site of a creeping, crawling creature elicits fear of a sting or bite, or simply too many little legs moving far too fast, and might be met by screams of terror or the bottom of a boot. But with a little consideration, bugs—and their fellow scuttle buddies like spiders and scorpions, both of which are technically arachnids—can be beautiful, enthralling, and down right inspiring. These places pay tribute, celebrate, and remind us to remember the little guys. 

A tiny shrine drinking fountain for honeybees and a Buddhist temple honoring the insects that died in the name of science show us the compassion humans can have for bugs, while an ancient beekeeping museum in Lithuania can help us remember our long, collaborative past with certain insects. 

The glowing millipedes of Sequoia National Park and the blue ghost fireflies of North Carolina excite our sense, while elaborate entomology collections around the world remind us of the grand diversity and beauty of bugs and other creepy-crawlies. Come along and see how beautiful the world of bugs can be!