Schlafen sie gut? Located in Alfeld, Germany (once thought to be where the Brothers Grimm got their inspiration for Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs), is The Alfelder Schlafapnoe- Gesellschaft (ASG), one of the oldest self-help groups for Sleep Apnea.
Founded in 1993, and with 110 members, ASG started a museum to showcase both vintage and modern instruments associated with the relief of Sleep Apnea. There are several leather chinstraps with attached mouth coverings, vintage humidifiers, and ointments and nasal sprays on display. There are even electronic devices––looking like blood pressure monitors––that are supposed to relive snoring with buzzes and zaps.
These snoring-curiosities represent different decades of medical and holistic innovation and are collected from hospitals and private homes the world over.
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May 18, 2012