Nestled between four old buildings in the center of the city, this glowing neon alley is one of Wroclaw's best hidden gems.
The area is sort of interior courtyard, accessible from either end through two alleyways. The sides of the buildings are covered in old neon signs on display, collected from all over the country. Local street artists have used the blank wall space in and around the signs to create stunning works of graffiti art, the colors and subjects of which perfectly tie in with the surrounding neon signs.
What makes this place especially awesome is that the setting is perfect for what the signs represent. A lot of them are old signs taken from buildings during the Communist era, so the industrial feel of the alleyway really adds to the display.
Every night you can see the signs lit up in their full glory. If you're in Wroclaw and want to experience something a little different and off the beaten track, it is well worth a visit. It's also a great spot for anyone interested in street photography.
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Know Before You Go
It's completely free, just obviously make sure you visit at night!
May 21, 2018