With the highest-ever sustained top speed of 35 knots, the SS United States is the world's fastest ocean liner. While the United States lost the eastbound transatlantic speed record in 1990 to Hoverspeed Great Britain, it still holds the Blue Riband for the westbound transatlantic speed record.
Launched in 1952, this ship's maiden voyage set the record for the fastest transatlantic trip by an ocean liner. This honor, known as the Blue Riband, was previously held by the Queen Mary. The ship uses an extremely powerful steam turbine engine and it is hailed as a fireproof ship. The only wood on board is the butcher's block and a specially designed, flame-resistant grand piano.
The luxurious vessel was retired from active service in 1969 and has had several owners since that time. The huge propellers were removed and one is at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York, and another at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum in New York City. A third propeller is at the SUNY Maritime College at Fort Schuyler, New York. Much of the interior dining room furnishings are in the Windmill Point Restaurant in Nags Head, North Carolina.
The SS United States Conservancy purchased the ship in February 2011. After years of rent disputes between the pier at which the ship is docked and the ship's owner, the SS United States was eventually removed from the shipyard.
Update: In February 2025, the SS United States left Philadelphia. The ship will be towed to Florida, where it will be sunk off the coast and turned into an artificial reef.
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August 15, 2013
February 20, 2025
- http://www.ss-united-states.com/paxmilE4a.html
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