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Places visited in Xian Shi, China
Places visited in Jajce, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Kudowa-Zdrój, Poland

Kaplica Czaszek (Chapel of Skulls)

The walls and ceiling of this Polish church are decorated with thousands of skulls, with another 21,000 skeletons just below.
Gdańsk, Poland

Ruins at Westerplatte

The site of the first battle of World War II.
Wieliczka, Poland

Wieliczka Salt Mine

An underground city of salt.
Gryfino, Poland

Crooked Forest

Countless stories attempt to explain Poland's mysterious J-shaped trees.
Krakow, Poland

Rynek Underground

Beneath Kraków Old Town's main square lies a hologram-filled medieval market vampire graveyard wonderland.
hajnowski, Poland

The Land of Open Shutters

Old cabin-like homes in a rural community untouched by time are known for their vibrant and colorful window shutters.
Kruszyniany, Poland

Green Mosque of Kruszyniany

This wooden mosque is one of the few remnants of medieval Poland's Muslim Tatar community in this deeply Catholic country.
Kostrzyn nad Odrą, Poland

The Disappeared City Center of Kostrzyn

The center of this Polish border town was so thoroughly wiped out in World War II that only the foundations remain.
Miedzianka, Poland

The Disappeared City of Miedzianka

This formerly-prosperous Silesian mining town was completely demolished in the late 1960s and early 1970s as an attempt to cover up a secret Soviet uranium mine.
Mamerki, Poland

Mauerwald Bunker Complex

This lakeside bunker complex in Mamerki, Poland, housed the Supreme Military Command of Nazi Germany during World War II.
Sierpnica, Poland

Podziemne Miasto Osówka

An extensive network of secret tunnels was created for the Nazi project "Riese."