ajonesos's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Saint-André-du-Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec

Trou de la Fée - Protected Bat Cave

This three-chambered cave is the only protected natural bat hibernaculum in Quebec.
Montreal, Québec


A Montreal deli that was so beloved that it was allowed to circumvent their laws of language.
Québec City, Québec

Château Frontenac

This lovely, if imposing, piece of Canadian gothic is possibly the most photographed hotel in the world.
Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier, Québec

Hôtel de Glace

This chilly Canadian hotel has a four-month lifespan due to the unusual material it's made of.
Montreal, Québec

Biosphere of Montreal

Designed by Buckminster Fuller, this relic of the 67 Expo survived fire and ice.
Chicago, Illinois

Rock N Roll McDonald's and Museum

The palatial McDonald's that inspired Wesley Willis.
Chicago, Illinois

Stained Glass at Navy Pier

A display of magnificent stained glass windows is the first exhibit of its kind.
Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Freight Tunnels

A century-old network of freight tunnels underneath the city's historic business district.
Chicago, Illinois

300 South Wacker Drive

A 400-foot-tall tall map of Chicago makes this once-ignored building stand out.
Chicago, Illinois

Lower Lower Wacker Drive

Illegal drag racing two stories beneath Chicago’s streets.
Chicago, Illinois

Flat Iron Building

Not to be confused with the iconic New York City skyscraper, this Chicago building is a vibrant hub for artists.
Chicago, Illinois

95th Street Bridge

This urban drawbridge gained eternal pop culture fame when the Blues Brothers jumped it while it was raised.
Chicago, Illinois

Coyote Building

One of the last functioning antique elevators in Chicago.
Chicago, Illinois

Terra Cotta Row

In a quiet north Chicago neighborhood rests a stunning relic of the golden age of earthenware design.
Chicago, Illinois

Beer Baron Row

These mansions date back to Chicago's days as a brewer's paradise.
Chicago, Illinois

Carroll Avenue

A little-known subterranean street runs under some of the best-known buildings in Chicago's River North.
Chicago, Illinois


A shining sculpture made of 3,115 lights, the number of visible stars in the Northern Hemisphere.
Chicago, Illinois

Couch Place (The Alley of Death)

This alley in downtown Chicago held the bodies of over 600 people after the fateful Iroquois Theatre fire.
Chicago, Illinois

Hidden Egyptian Temple in Field Museum Break Room

Years of archaeology, just chillin' by the water cooler.
Chicago, Illinois

The Fountain of Time

A hollow cement depiction of time's inexorable effect on the human body.
Chicago, Illinois

Green Mill Jazz Club

A century-old hotspot for jazz, frequented by everyone from Charlie Chaplin to Al Capone.
Chicago, Illinois

Willis Tower Glass Platform

Four glass boxes hover over 1,000 feet in the air to give visitors an unparalleled view of Chicago.
Chicago, Illinois

Tiffany Dome

This massive stained-glass masterpiece is thought to be the largest Tiffany dome in existence.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Hanging Garden

A suspended garden, now gone, once hung in the middle of this abandoned church.