fosterwkrupp's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Baltimore, Maryland

Ouija 7-Eleven

This simple convenience store sits on the location where the Ouija board was named—and has a plaque to prove it.
Baltimore, Maryland

The American Visionary Art Museum

A museum dedicated to exhibiting remarkable outsider art.
Schwangau, Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle

The fairy tale castle of the "fairy-tale king."
Denver, Colorado

Big Blue Bear

Overlooking the Colorado Convention Center is this giant sculpture made from thousands of triangles.
Denver, Colorado

Mile-High Steps at the Colorado State Capitol

The spot in the Mile-High City that's exactly 5,280 feet above sea level (at least for now).
Denver, Colorado

Mile High Comics Megastore

While comics are the main attraction at this megastore, the second floor plays host to an exhibit fit for a museum.
Denver, Colorado

Blue Mustang

The Denver airport is guarded by a 32-foot-tall sculpture of a demonic horse.
Chicago, Illinois


The unluckiest U-boat in the entire German fleet is now on display in a Chicago museum.
Chicago, Illinois

Tsavo Man Eaters

These pretty kitties killed and ate as many as 135 railway workers.
Chicago, Illinois

Great Train Story Diorama

This $3 million model train takes you through Chicago, Seattle, and the thousands of miles in between.
Naples, Florida

Clam Pass Beach

A hidden beach at the end of a tunnel of mangrove trees.
San Francisco, California

Alcatraz Island

In all of the 29 years it was in operation, no prisoners ever escaped successfully... or so they claim.
Washington, D.C.

The Unabomber's Cabin

permanently closed
It was once the base for a series of domestic terror attacks.
Washington, D.C.

Guglielmo Marconi Memorial

Dedicated to the man who created the first radio wave communication system.
Washington, D.C.

Hidden Figures Way

A street in front of NASA's D.C. headquarters has been named in honor of the Black women who were essential to early spaceflight.
Washington, D.C.

'Ginevra de’ Benci' Portrait

The only Leonardo Da Vinci painting in the Western Hemisphere.
Washington, D.C.

Watergate Fountain

The word "Watergate" will forever be associated with the infamous scandal in 1972, but this fountain is famous in its own right.
Washington, D.C.

Mummified Bison

The 28,000-year-old specimen is remarkably intact.
Washington, D.C.

Washington Monument Marble Stripe

Look closely and you’ll notice that the color changes a third of the way up the tower.
Washington, D.C.

Owney the Postal Dog

A traveling postal dog covered 48 states and more than 140,000 miles, and he lives on as taxidermy, patched up with a rabbit's foot and a pig's ear.
Washington, D.C.

The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations' Millennium General Assembly

Light bulbs, scrap wood, and tinfoil comprise this homemade throne of the gods.
Washington, D.C.

Capitol Building Tunnel System

Members of Congress have traveled between the buildings on Capitol Hill for a century hidden from tourists, press, and storm clouds.
Washington, D.C.

Bare-Chested George Washington

Perhaps the most scandalous statue of America's first president.
Washington, D.C.

Starship Enterprise NCC-1701

The actual model from the original "Star Trek" series is now on display at the National Air and Space Museum.