lfdud2874's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Padirac, France

Le Gouffre de Padirac (Padirac Cave)

This impressive chasm is one of the longest natural underground cavities in the world.
Albi, France

Albi Cathedral

A medieval church with largest and oldest collection of Renaissance frescoes in France.
Cambrils, Spain

Parc Samà

This magical space partly designed by Antoni Gaudi is one of the best examples of romantic gardening in the Mediterranean.
Nébias, France

Labyrinthe Vert de Nebias

Green labyrinth formed by a karstic maze hidden in a preserved oak forest.
Hastings, Nebraska

Bigfoot Crossroads of America

This museum started by a curious collector is now a place for believers and skeptics alike.
Sauve, France

La Mer de Rochers

This French "sea of rocks" is packed with stunning rock formations and its own medieval castle.
Minerve, France

Minerve, France

A well-preserved medieval village nested on a rocky outcrop and surrounded by a network of cliffs, natural bridges and canyons.
Carcassonne, France

La Cité Médiévale de Carcassonne

Historic medieval fortified city in southwest France.
L'Alt Empordà, Spain

Les Escaules

At the foot of a waterfall lies a peaceful swimming lagoon and evidence of over 60,000 years of human habitation.
Castellfollit de la Roca, Spain

Castellfollit de la Roca

Village situated on a narrow volcanic escarpment.
Santa Pau, Spain

Hermitage of Santa Margarita Crater

Religious dwelling in a Spanish volcano.
Vilanova de Sau, Spain

Sant Romà de Sau

A Romanesque tower appears when water levels drop.
La Pera, Spain

The Gala Dalí Castle

Of course Salvador Dalí lived in a castle...
Sant Quirze Safaja, Spain

Church of Sant Miquel del Fai

An enchanting monastery in the Spanish countryside appears lifted from a fantasy tale.
Barcelona, Spain


Mountain where Jesus was first tempted by the Devil.
L'Arboç, Spain

La Giralda de L’Arboç

Replica of Seville, Spains famous Giralda, a former minaret converted into a bell tower.
Manises, Spain

The Ceramics of Manises

Beautiful tiles decorate many of the town's surfaces and stand testimony to its glorious artistic history.
Navajas, Spain

Salto de la Novia

Translating as "The Jump of the Girlfriend," this stunning waterfall has a tragic legend behind it.
Talayuelas, Spain

El Cañón de Talayuelas

A fiery-red region of scooped out land still largely untouched by civilization, tourists or otherwise.
Cuenca, Spain

Castilla-La Mancha Paleontological Museum

This museum is known as the "Land of the Dinosaurs," but its full-scale dino models are just the start.
Las Majadas, Spain

Los Callejones de Las Majadas

"Alleys of Stone" form natural mazes in Spanish natural park.
Gormaz, Spain

Castle of Gormaz

This Arab fortress was once the largest citadel in Western Europe.
Montejo de Tiermes, Spain


The ruins of an ancient Celtiberian town with incredible rock-cut buildings and a Roman aqueduct.
Brihuega, Spain


This enchanting hamlet carved into the rock looks like something straight out of Tolkien's Rivendell.