awoeshnick426's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Angeles, California

Linda Vista Hospital

A hospital closed seemingly in the middle of operations, leaving behind fodder for horror films and ghost hunters.
Newberry Springs, California

Rock-A-Hoola Waterpark

The "Fun Spot of the Desert" is now a haunting ruin, and a reminder that putting a water park in a desert is a bad idea.
Cantwell, Alaska

Igloo City

Four-story concrete hotel never opened to customers.
Ocracoke, North Carolina

Portsmouth Village

A forgotten sea village stands silent after hurricanes deemed it obsolete.
Kansas City, Kansas

Sauer Castle

This Italianate Villa-style castle is pretty to look at, just keep off the private property.
Midlothian, Illinois

Bachelor's Grove Cemetery

A small abandoned and abused cemetery that has become a magnet for ghost hunters.
Cold Spring, New York

Mt. Taurus Quarry

Reforestation in action is the main attraction in this abandoned quarry.
Jerome, Arizona

Abandoned Jerome Post Office

On the outskirts of a reborn ghost town, a decaying post office remembers the bad old days.
Jacksonville, Florida

Abandoned Annie Lytle Elementary School

Jacksonville's highways rendered this century-old grammar school unusable.
Alderson, West Virginia

Alderson Academy

This abandoned school has had many lives since the early 1900s, and all of them doomed.
Glen Cove, New York

Welwyn Preserve

The abandoned grounds and derelict greenhouses of this once-magnificent Edwardian estate are now a nature preserve open for exploration.
Milledgeville, Georgia

Central State Hospital

One of the largest-ever mental hospitals now sits abandoned, surrounded by 25,000 unmarked graves.
Washington, D.C.

Foundry Branch Trolley Trestle Ruins

A derelict bit of transportation infrastructure hidden in the woods.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Old Adam Scheidt Plant

This forgotten building was one of the few Philadelphia-area breweries to survive Prohibition.
Washington, D.C.

Ruins of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site at Reservoir Park

An Industrial Revolution-era public work that purified water using nothing but sand.
Catskill, New York

Catskill Game Farm

The abandoned ruins of America's first private zoo are open for exploration in the Catskills.
Marfa, Texas

Stardust Motel Sign

This old abandoned sign flickers to announce a motel that isn't even there.
Grantsville, Utah

Iosepa Ghost Town

A desert settlement founded and later abandoned by Hawaiian members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Utah's Skull Valley.
Herndon, Virginia

Murphy Dairy Farm

A decaying garage hidden amid the dense forest is all that remains of a once-prosperous dairy farm.
Lovelock, Nevada

Nevada Quicksilver Mine

An abandoned mine serves as a stark memorial of when mercury was a valued strategic metal.
Davis, Oklahoma

Collings Castle

What was once a summer home next to a waterfall has now become littered with graffiti and children in swimsuits.
Paicines, California

New Idria Ghost Town

After the nearby mercury mine shut down, this town was abandoned and declared a Superfund site.
Yerington, Nevada

Pine Grove and Rockland

Well-preserved ruins in the Pine Grove Hills of western Nevada.
Apple Valley, California

Dinosaur Mini Golf Ruins

Built in the early 70s, the ruins of dinosaurs are all that remains of a man’s dream to build a free dinosaur themed mini golf course