melissagalonsky's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sydney, Australia

Wendy's Secret Garden

Built over an abandoned train yard, this hidden gem is full of winding paths and offers gorgeous views of Sydney Harbour.
Sydney, Australia

The Lillipad Cafe

An indigenous ethnobotanist runs this brunch spot celebrating Australia’s native flavors.
Sydney, Australia

Yerrabingin Farm

The world's first indigenous rooftop farm boasts 2,000 plants from more than 35 different native Australian species.
Kushiro, Japan

Lake Akan Ainu Kotan

This village is home to the largest existing settlement of the Ainu, the Indigenous people of Japan.
Tokyo, Japan

Hakubutsukan-Dōbutsuen Station

Take a few seconds to look at this abandoned, art-filled station as you pass by on the subway to Ueno.
Kamakura, Japan

Sixteen Wells

This mysterious medieval grotto holds a grid of sacred wells of unknown purpose.
Yusuhara, Japan

Yusuhara Town Library

High in the mountains of Kochi Prefecture, a magnificent library designed by a world-famous architect.
Mine, Japan

Akiyoshido Cave

Approximately 300 million years ago, a massive coral reef existed in what is now the largest limestone cave in Japan.
Kamikawa-chō, Japan

Tonomine Highlands

A thick blanket of beautiful pampas grass cloaks this unique Japanese landscape.
Yūbari-shi, Japan

Shimizusawa Thermal Power Plant

This historic hydroelectric power plant in Japan has been preserved and is open to the public.
Ise, Japan

Ise Grand Shrine

This ancient shrine has been rebuilt every 20 years since the eighth century.
Tokyo, Japan

'Magokoro Tennyo' ('Goddess of Sincerity')

Weighing nearly 7 tons, this massive sculpture was carved out of 500-year-old wood and decorated with thousands of jewels.
Kyoto, Japan

Sagano Scenic Railway

A train ride to the middle of nowhere gives its passengers some of the most iconic views of Japan's seasons.
Ine, Japan

Funaya of Ine

The traditional houses along the coast of this charming Japanese fishing village allow people to sleep above the sea.
Tamana, Japan


A mysterious set of tunnels carved in the hills of rural northern Kyushu.
Motobu, Japan

Bise Village

A network of sandy streets lined with verdant fukugi trees weaves throughout this tiny seaside town.
Tateyama-machi, Japan

Snow Canyon

A massive wintry wall of snow up to 66 feet tall flanks a highway through Japan's mountains.
Yakushima, Japan

Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine

The magical, mossy forest that inspired 'Princess Mononoke.'
Tokyo, Japan

Omoide Yokocho

Colloquially known as “piss alley,” this narrow street filled with tiny bars and barbecue stands looks like it was pulled straight out of “Blade Runner.”
Tokyo, Japan


This subterranean spot might be the epitome of Japan's baroque, retro coffee houses.
Tokyo, Japan

Jimbōchō Book Town

A bibliophile's heaven that contains hundreds of bookstores, offering over a third of secondhand books for sale in Tokyo.
Tokyo, Japan

Yanaka Cemetery

This sprawling scenic burial ground is the final resting place of Japan's last shogun.
Tokyo, Japan

Omori Shell Mound

The site of Japan’s first archaeological excavation is also the birthplace of fingerprint forensics.