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Places visited in Ypres, Belgium
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Liège, Belgium

Bueren Mountain

This giant urban staircase was built to keep the city's brave fighting men from getting waylaid in the red light district.
Ypres, Belgium

Sanctuary Wood Museum

A rare example of World War I trenches from the British front.
Ypres, Belgium

Sanctuary Wood Cemetery

In the shadow of a former battleground, the resting place for nearly 2,000 soldiers who died in World War I.
Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Bock Casemates

An expansive complex of subterranean tunnels is all that remains of one of Europe's most formidable medieval fortresses.
Beaufort, Luxembourg

Beaufort Castles

This noble mash-up in eastern Luxembourg is part Medieval, part Renaissance, all castle.
Bastogne, Belgium

McAuliffe Memorial and Sherman Tank

Dedicated to the American general whose reply to a German demand for surrender was simply "Nuts!"
Hamburg, Germany

Rote Flora

This contentious squat has stood through fire, violence, and government intervention as a hotbed of leftist protest.
Hamburg, Germany

Der Pudel auf dem Dach (The Poodle on the Roof)

Hidden in plain sight on a gable between two towers on the roof of shipping firm F. Laeisz' headquarter in Hamburg sits an unexpected bronze sculpture.
Hamburg, Germany

St. Nicholas' Church

Once the tallest building in the world, this abandoned church is now a monument to the destruction of WWII.
Hamburg, Germany

Miniatur Wunderland

Model Trains and Much More in Hamburg.
Arnhem, Netherlands

John Frost Bridge

The largest airborne operation in history was launched to capture this bridge.
Arnhem, Netherlands

Groene Bedstee

A set of beech hedges planted in the 19th century forms a tunnel that takes on a different appearance in every season.
Bielefeld, Germany

Bielefeld Conspiracy

According to a satirical conspiracy theory that persists today, this German city of 300,000 is a hoax invented by the CIA.
Brussels, Belgium

Temple of Human Passions

This Greek temple, open only an hour a day, was the site of a war of tastes between an architect and an artist.
Moorslede, Belgium


This Belgian theme park began as a refuge for bored church children and was closed down when a boy lost an arm.
Diksmuide, Belgium

Vladslo German Military Cemetery

Visitors to this Belgium graveyard are greeted by the grieving stone parents of the young men lost to war.
Ypres, Belgium

In Flanders Fields Museum

This memorial museum chronicles the apocalyptic destruction of the First World War.
Ypres, Belgium

Menin Gate Memorial

A moving memorial to the fallen and missing from WWI trenches.
Ypres, Belgium

The Yorkshire Trench

In an area where the remnants of WWI are discovered on a regular basis this preserved frontline trench may be the most amazing.
Ypres, Belgium

The Birthplace of 'In Flanders Fields'

The site where one of the most famous poems of World War I was composed is preserved to honor the legacy of the work.
Heuvelland, Belgium

Kemmel's Top Secret Command Bunker

A Cold War command center is hidden under an idyllic countryside.
Heuvelland, Belgium

Hotel Kosmos

This old, abandoned hotel offers magnificent views.
Vleteren, Belgium


Stocking up on the world's best beer requires a pilgrimage to a monastery drive-through.
De Haan, Belgium


An undulating wicker beast looms peacefully atop a sand dune in Belgium.