lgsemken's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Colorado Springs, Colorado

Novis Mortem Collective

Inside this shop, visitors are treated to a unique blend of natural history and art.
Lisbon, Portugal

Seashell Gallery

In the Monastery of São Vicente resides a gallery devoted to a breathtaking collection of seashells.
Grenoble, France

Musée de la Ganterie (Museum of Glove-Making)

The cellar of a former factory is now home to a collection of gloves, machines, and tools of the trade.
Göttingen, Germany

Göttingen University Astronomy Collection

A collection of antique telescopes dot the halls of the university's astrophysics department.
São Miguel, Portugal

Oficina Museu (Workshop Museum)

One artist's collection of homemade handicrafts doubles as a monument to 20th-century material culture.
Göttingen, Germany

Physicalisches Cabinet

This small university museum houses a priceless collection of scientific instruments.
Freiberg, Germany

Terra Mineralia

A Saxony castle houses one of the largest and most outstanding mineral collections in the world.
Uppsala, Sweden

Rune Staff Collection

The second-largest collection of runic calendar staffs in Sweden.
Tübingen, Germany

Tübingen University Paleontological Collection

One of the world's oldest fossil exhibits is on display in a beautiful antique "naturalienkabinett."
Basel, Switzerland

Hoosesagg Museum (Pants Pocket Museum)

The smallest museum in Basel, Switzerland, is a two-foot-by-two-foot window in the door of a 600-year-old house.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Nasothek Nose Collection

A collection of noses tucked inside an art museum reveals how times have changed.
Ad Dilam, Saudi Arabia

Pigeon Tower

A historic structure that once housed pigeons used by farmers to help fertilize farmland.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Torture Museum

Museum preserving torture methods from the past.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mütter Museum

America's most famous museum of medical oddities is home to the remains of Albert Einstein's brain.