cardenas11's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
New York, New York

Delmonico's Pompeii Columns

Possible relics of the ancient Roman city are hidden in this restaurant's façade.
New York, New York

Waldorf Astoria Archives

Long-forgotten artifacts give incredible insight into New York's most glamorous hotel.
Brooklyn, New York

'The Dinner Party'

This enormous banquet-themed artwork honors over 1,000 notable women throughout history.
Staten Island, New York

Booze History Museum

Crammed into several rooms of a Staten Island home, this museum is a vodka-soaked paean to the pleasures of drinking.
Staten Island, New York

Holtermann's Bakery

In the middle of suburban Staten Island, a nearly 150-year-old bakery is preserving the art of a disappearing New York treat.
New York, New York

The Wishbones of McSorley's Old Ale House

Touching mementoes from those who didn't make it back from World War I still hang in one of New York's oldest bars.
Brooklyn, New York

Spectacle Theater

A no-frills cinephile haven known for showing offbeat, underseen films.
New York, New York

Toynbee Tiles

Cryptic messages embedded in the New York City sidewalk.
New York, New York

Russian and Turkish Baths Cafe

Have a steam and some blini at this cafe in a century-old bathhouse.
Brooklyn, New York

The Carousel in Prospect Park

You can still ride this 100-year-old work of art in Brooklyn's largest public park.
Brooklyn, New York

Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory

The factory for the popular Dumbo location, the Greenpoint shop is a quiet gem.
New York, New York

The Morris-Jumel Mansion

The oldest house in Manhattan is now a museum that remembers the home's sordid history of scandals, vice-presidents, and ghosts.
New York, New York

The Manhattan Well Murder

A dark, dank room in subterranean Manhattan was the site of a ghastly murder.
New York, New York

Bemelmans Bar

The walls are decorated with whimsical murals painted by the creator of the Madeline franchise.
New York, New York

6 1/2 Avenue: Manhattan's Secret Street

Tucked away amidst some of the most famous addresses in the world is New York's only fraction of a street.
New York, New York

Angel Orensanz Foundation

The oldest surviving synagogue in New York City is now a soaring art space.
Bronx, New York

North Brother Island

Home to the infamous "Typhoid Mary" and the worst loss of life in New York's history prior to September 11, 2001.
New York, New York

Lower East Side Toy Company (The Back Room)

Become a prohibition rebel.
New York, New York

Campbell Apartment

A very classy 1920s-era bar right in Grand Central Station.
Brooklyn, New York

Le Boudoir

Just your average Marie Antoinette–themed speakeasy in an abandoned 19th-century subway tunnel.
New York, New York

Trinity Place Bank Vault Bar

This lower Manhattan bar is set up in an old bank vault that rests beneath a skyscraper that hides even more historic splendor.
New York, New York

Lexington Candy Shop

The oldest family-run luncheonette in New York, last renovated in 1948, still serves food and drinks the old-fashioned way.
New York, New York

Explorers Club Headquarters

A treasure trove of artifacts, books, and artwork from the "golden age" of exploration.
New York, New York

Roosevelt Island Smallpox Hospital Ruins

A crumbling hospital from the 1850s on Roosevelt Island.