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Brooklyn, New York

Steve's Authentic Key Lime Pies

“Invented in Key West, Perfected in Brooklyn."
New York, New York

The Morris-Jumel Mansion

The oldest house in Manhattan is now a museum that remembers the home's sordid history of scandals, vice-presidents, and ghosts.
Bronx, New York

Bronx Zoo Bug Carousel

The first and only carousel with a lineup entirely of insects.
New York, New York

The Conjuring Arts Research Center

Unlock the secrets of the conjuring arts.
Brooklyn, New York

Gowanus Batcave

Abandoned power station once home to a squatter community, now being developed into an arts center.
Brooklyn, New York

Deno's Wonder Wheel

One of the most enjoyable bits of history at Coney Island and “the most romantic ride in the world.”
New York, New York


Though its celestial ceiling is impressive, the true star is the vast collection of French books.
New York, New York

The Manhattan Well Murder

A dark, dank room in subterranean Manhattan was the site of a ghastly murder.
New York, New York

REACH: New York

Hidden in plain sight on a pair of Manhattan subway tunnels are a pair of public instruments that sing to each other.
Bronx, New York

Edgar Allan Poe Cottage

The famous author's cottage hideaway.
Staten Island, New York

Kreischer Mansion

This empty Victorian manse on Staten Island is said to be haunted but is actually a real life crime scene.
Queens, New York

Houdini's Grave

The final resting place of the great escape artist, where some still gather to wait for his escape from death.
Brooklyn, New York

House of Yes

A band of aerialists and circus performers putting on incredible shows in East Williamsburg.
New York, New York

Times Square Hum

A pedestrian island in the middle of world-famous Times Square emits a strange (and purposeful) humming noise.
New York, New York

Holographic Studios Inc.

The world's oldest hologram gallery and the labyrinthine laser laboratory of a holography pioneer.
New York, New York

Angel Orensanz Foundation

The oldest surviving synagogue in New York City is now a soaring art space.
Brooklyn, New York

Robotic Church

This former Norwegian sailor's church is slowly being taken over by ramshackle robot musicians.
Brooklyn, New York

House of Wax

Tucked in a nondescript downtown Brooklyn mall is a bar containing a remarkable turn of the century anatomical wax collection last seen in 1920s Berlin.
Queens, New York

Surreal Elevator

Nondescript elevator doors open to reveal a stunning, surreal world.
New York, New York

The New York Earth Room

A room in New York City that contains 250 cubic yards of dirt worth a million dollars.
New York, New York

Lower East Side Toy Company (The Back Room)

Become a prohibition rebel.
New York, New York

New York Federal Gold Vault

More gold than anywhere else, ever.
New York, New York

Hess Triangle

New York City's smallest piece of private property.
Staten Island, New York

Nonnas of the World

A restaurant on Staten Island showcases a different grandmother’s cooking every night.