moonlitshadow77's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Madrid, Spain

Gran Vía Museum and Palacios Pavilion

A small museum displays some of the artifacts discovered during a subway station renovation.
Santo Domingo de Silos, Spain

Sad Hill Cemetery

This haunting location was featured in the final scene of a classic spaghetti western.
Cartagena, Spain

Bateria de Castillitos

The two massive guns that defended Cartagena Bay.
Madrid, Spain

Toilet Cabinet of Ferdinand VII

The Spanish king's private bathroom embraced the idea of a porcelain throne.
Ronda, Spain

Finca Descalzos Viejos

Sample Spanish wines under frescoes in a historic monastery of "barefoot old men."
El Castell de Guadalest, Spain

Museo de Saleros y Pimenteros

Continental Europe's only museum devoted to salt and pepper shakers features more than 20,000 designs.
Pontevedra, Spain

Isla de San Simón

This small, lush island has a long and bloody history.
Madrid, Spain

La Posada del Peine (Comb Inn)

In this 400-year-old hotel in Madrid, you'll find a comb in every room, an old clock, and maybe a ghost.
Sagunt, Spain

Roman Theatre of Sagunto

This ancient amphitheater was restored in the early 1990s.
Segovia, Spain

Sirenas de Segovia

These "mermaids" that surround a plaza in Segovia are rather sphinx-like.
Talaván, Spain

Hermitage of Santo Cristo

Disturbing winged beings decorate the walls of this strange abandoned hermitage.
La Palma, Spain

Roque de los Muchachos

A series of well-preserved ruins show the culture of the ancient Benehoaritas people.
Llívia, Spain

Esteve Pharmacy

This 15th century pharmacy displays a beautiful collection of ancient medicine jars.
Torrelavega, Spain

Vaulted Ceiling of Iglesia de la Virgen Grande

This magnificent brick dome was made with an unusual design method.
Cádiz, Spain

'Secondwind 2005'

An otherworldly art experience.
Cuenca, Spain

Castilla-La Mancha Paleontological Museum

This museum is known as the "Land of the Dinosaurs," but its full-scale dino models are just the start.
Cádiz, Spain

Cádiz Phoenician Anthropoid Sarcophagi

The discovery of these rare, ancient artifacts led to the creation of a new museum.
Burgos, Spain

Cartuja de Miraflores

This Gothic church houses ornate royal tombs and a magnificent gilded altarpiece.
Madrid, Spain

Ermita de San Pelayo y San Isidoro (Hermitage of Saint Pelagius and Saint Isidore)

The remains of this misplaced church were moved here stone by stone.
La Palma, Spain

The Interpretation Center of Rock Carvings Benehauno

Stop by, and you'll receive a map to two well-preserved ancient petroglyph sites.
Madrid, Spain

Moncloa Lighthouse

Inaugurated three times, this tower offers some of the best views of Madrid.
Mohorte, Spain

Las Torcas de Palancares

Walls of stone rise up from sinkholes caused by underwater erosion.
La Palma, Spain

Roque Idafe (Idafe Rock)

Indigenous cultures believed all life would end if this enormous rock toppled.
Las Rozas de Madrid, Spain

Presa El Gasco

This 18th-century project to build the world's tallest gravity dam was never completed.