moonlitshadow77's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Canby, Oregon

TMK Creamery

Here, cows that make vodka are treated like celebrities.
Jordan Valley, Oregon

Jean Baptiste Charbonneau Grave

A ghost town in a remote corner of Oregon hosts a touching tribute to Sacagawea’s son.
Florence, Oregon

Exploding Whale Memorial Park

Fifty years after a “blast blasted blubber beyond all believable bounds,” this idyllic natural area commemorates the carnage.
Portland, Oregon

Bison Coffeehouse

This café is dedicated to serving coffee roasted by Native American-owned companies.
McKenzie Bridge, Oregon

Sahalie Falls

Rushing water plunges over a 100-foot drop created by an ancient lava flow at this majestic waterfall.
Camp Sherman, Oregon

Head of the Metolius

Approximately 50,000 gallons of water gush from these springs, creating the Metolius River.
Maupin, Oregon

White River Falls

An out-of-the-way state park in Oregon that features both a picturesque waterfall and the ruins of a hydropower plant.
Portland, Oregon


Definitely not a clown bar.
Portland, Oregon

Wyrd Leatherworks and Meadery

Get your cosplay on at Portland’s only Medieval fantasy-themed mead hall.
Portland, Oregon


On East Burnside, a 24-hour vending machine distributes world-class pastries.
Portland, Oregon

Native American Art Center

One of the most comprehensive collections of historic Native American culture in the country reframes artifacts as artwork.
Portland, Oregon


The oldest restaurant in Portland serves fiery coffee cocktails and an astounding amount of turkey.
Silver Lake, Oregon

Cowboy Dinner Tree

Eat like a "buckaroo" at this remote restaurant.
Bandon, Oregon

Face Rock

According to legend, this rock represents a young girl trapped by an evil ocean spirit.
Lakeview, Oregon

Old Perpetual Geyser

Along the Outback Scenic Byway, adjacent to hot springs, this human-made geothermal feature takes unexplained breaks.
Seaside, Oregon

Painted Rock Beach

Hundreds of painted rocks dazzle this small beach where adding your own is encouraged.
Astoria, Oregon

Flavel House Museum

You might recognize this historic Oregon mansion from its appearance in 'The Goonies.'
Mehama, Oregon

Silver Falls State Park

Multiple waterfalls and several historic CCC buildings anchor this state park in Oregon's Willamette Valley.
Cascadia, Oregon

Cascadia Soda Springs

Now a secluded county park, this site was once a "health tourism" destination for wealthy Oregonians.
Valley Falls, Oregon

Lake Abert

Oregon's only closed-basin hypersaline lake, an important stopover for migrating waterfowl, is in danger of drying up completely.
Juntura, Oregon

Juntura Hot Springs

In eastern Oregon, two mineral hot springs sit along the Malheur River in a fairly desolate area where peace and quiet are abound.
Portland, Oregon

The Skeleton Key Odditorium

This museum and curiosity shop provides a glimpse into an often-overlooked past to show guests that there is beauty and wonder in the macabre.
Rainbow, Oregon

Terwilliger Hot Springs

These natural hot springs form four-tiered soaking pools with temperatures ranging from 85 to 115 degrees Fahrenheit.
Guthrie, Oklahoma

Grave of Elmer McCurdy

A funhouse dummy that turned out to be a real life mummy, Elmer McCurdy is an urban legend come true.