leiris's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Port Costa, California
Places added to Berkeley, California
Places edited in Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Places added to Myanmar (Burma)
Places edited in Zagreb, Croatia
Places added to Lima, Peru
Places added to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Places edited in Sierra Leone
Places added to Oakland, California
Los Angeles, California

Wells Fargo History Museum

permanently closed
Hidden in one of the skyscrapers on Bunker Hill, this museum features an 1895 stagecoach and peers into California’s gold-lined history.
Los Angeles, California

Caine's Arcade

permanently closed
A 9 year-old boy’s elaborate cardboard arcade in his father’s used auto parts store.
Victoria, British Columbia

Centre of the Universe

A cheeky name for an observatory visitor's center.
Calipatria, California

Calipatria Flagpole

Erroneously called the world's tallest flagpole, this landmark is devoted to "good neighborliness."
Blythe, California

Blythe Intaglios

Ancient human, animal, and geometric figures drawn in the earth.
Tucson, Arizona

Garden of Gethsemane

Religious statues built because of one man's bargain with God fill this peaceful sculpture garden.
Felicity, California

Felicity, California: Center of the World

Semi-recognized center of the world, with many oddities.
Tucson, Arizona

Rattlesnake Bridge

In Tucson a giant metal snake helps pedestrians cross a busy highway.
Progreso, Mexico

Puerto de Altura (Progreso Pier)

It would take you approximately an hour and a half to walk to the end of Mexico's largest pier.
San Francisco, California

Shakespeare Garden

A garden oasis filled with flowers mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare.
Paris, France

Paris Space Invaders

The video game-themed street art first popped up in the French city.
San Francisco, California

Doggie Diner Head

This grinning pup statue is all that's left of what was once a ubiquitous Bay Area diner chain.
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

The Little Falls

For decades, this waterfall remained hidden because of an artificial dam.
San Francisco, California

Duboce Bikeway Mural

This painted marvel is San Francisco's 400-foot ode to urban biking.
Goodland, Kansas

Giant Van Gogh Painting

Massive still life just off the highway in Kansas.
Oakley, Kansas

Buffalo Bill Monument

A statue high in a hill that represents how Buffalo Bill got his name.
WaKeeney, Kansas

WaKeeney North Pole

The holiday spirit lingers year-round in the "Christmas City of the High Plains."
Lucas, Kansas

The Garden of Eden

Self-built house and sculpture park where the creator can still be seen in a glass coffin.
Lucas, Kansas

Jim Dickerman's Open Range Zoo

A Kansas grassroots sculptor decorates the local roadways with his sculptures made from found objects.
Amarillo, Texas

Cadillac Ranch

A sculpture made of 10 Cadillacs as a monument to the "Golden Age" of the American automobile.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Architectural DNA

An old spiral fire escape dangles above a public courtyard in Midtown Oklahoma City.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Oklahoma City Underground

Travel through the hidden underbelly of the city in colorful tunnels filled with art and history exhibits.
Shamrock, Texas

U-Drop Inn

Once in disrepair, this popular Texas stop along iconic Route 66 has been restored to its past glory.
Groom, Texas

The Leaning Tower of Texas

This water tower slanted at an uncomfortable angle off the old Route 66 was an ingenious marketing ploy.