moonlitshadow77's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Leadville, Colorado

House With the Eye Museum

This 19th-century house museum features a horse-drawn hearse and other antique oddities.
Colorado Springs, Colorado

AdAmAn Alley

An unexpected alley with light shows and nature views.
Fruita, Colorado

Dinosaur Journey Museum

Explore a wealth of fossils in one of the most prolific dig sites in North America.
Fountain, Colorado

John Spicer's Confession

The resolution to a case that had gone cold for 120 years, found on an old piece of wood.
Jolon, California

Mission San Antonio de Padua

This mission, established in 1771, is the most remote of California’s Franciscan missions.
Pasadena, California

Rocket Fizz

Some of the most unusual (and in some cases, disgusting) flavors of soda imaginable.
Topanga, California

Canned Heat Suicide House

The mysterious, untimely death of a Canned Heat band member still haunts this unfinished home.
Ventura, California

Ventura Oil Refinery

Rusty industrial city full of oxidized distillation towers.
Palm Springs, California

'The Babies'

Instead of faces, these sculptures have barcodes—statements on societal dehumanization.
South Pasadena, California

The Curio Emporium

Delve into a wealth of oddities, antiques, and taxidermy treasures.
Macdoel, California

Juniper Lodge Motel

This abandoned motel doesn't welcome guests anymore, but decay and a creepy atmosphere still call it home.
Oxnard, California

Casa Sirena Seaside Resort

Abandoned in 2009, this once popular resort destination now stands frozen in time.
Palm Springs, California

Ruddy's General Store Museum

This general store offers visitors a glimpse back into the 1930s.
Albany, California

The Bone Room

A store that sells all manner of bones, insects, and animal curiosities.
Pomona, California

The Southern California Medical Museum

A small medical museum with a recreated doctor's office.
Placerville, California

Gothic Rose Antiques & Curiosities

Eclectic collection of dark and macabre antiques.
Belvedere Tiburon, California

Lava House

An abandoned, unfinished mansion on grounds strewn with lava rocks.
San Francisco, California

Aria Antiques

A whimsical antique shop with a strong air of mystery, filled with items from ages, and what feels like worlds, past.
Los Angeles, California

Everything Is Terrible

This store is dedicated to unique found footage and the strangeness of pre-internet pop-culture.
San Francisco, California

Museum of Exotica

An invitation-only museum of items natural and bizarre, arcane and exotic.
Santa Barbara, California

Knapp’s Castle

The ruins of the castle that chemicals built.
San Diego, California

Lemon Grove Mummies

Lemon Grove, California is known for its giant lemon...and mummified bodies.
Los Angeles, California

Venice Beach Freakshow

The largest collection of two headed animals in the world.
Los Angeles, California

Dearly Departed Museum

A macabre tour of Hollywood’s deadly history.