mplebeauxo's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Palmdale, California

R. Lee Ermey Musical Road

The road plays 30 seconds of the Marine’s Hymn when driving over the grooved pavement.
Baguio, Philippines

Lion's Head

Just off the road outside Baguio, a gigantic lion's head carved into a mountain greets those driving by.
Raurimu, New Zealand

Raurimu Rex

A life-sized statue of a Tyrannosaurus rex made out of driftwood.
Adelaide, Australia

'A Day Out'

These bronze sculptures sow whimsy by hamming it up on a pedestrian mall.
Lochiel, Australia

Lake Bumbunga

This salt lake in South Australia features seasonal color changes and its very own loch monster.
Balladonia, Australia


Gnomes have taken over a rest stop on Australia's longest straight road.
Narrogin, Australia

TARDIS Bus Shelter

On a rural farm road in Western Australia, a full-size, electrified police call box with a big surprise inside.
Tambon Pak Nam, Thailand

Krabi Traffic Lights

Cavemen, elephants, and eagles greet passengers driving through the town's main intersection.
Argyll and Bute, Scotland

The Tinkers' Heart

A rare permanent monument to the Scottish Travellers.
Wakefield, England

Chantry Chapel of St Mary the Virgin

A tiny chapel perched along a 14th-century bridge.
Woking, England

'The Martian'

An enormous alien invades Woking, England, as an homage to the H.G. Wells classic 'The War of the Worlds.'
Bristol, England

'Well Hung Lover'

Banksy's image of a naked man dangling from the window of a sex health clinic.
Boadilla del Monte, Spain

El Oso Verde (The Green Bear)

This larger-than-life lime green gummy bear sits in the middle of a roundabout in Spain.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Victory Column

A monument to the three wars that led to German unification towers within a Berlin traffic circle.
Stanley, Falkland Islands

Falkland Islands Totem Pole

Where British troops serving on the remote islands paid tribute to their faraway hometowns.
Concepción, Chile

Plaza Jurásica

Full-scale dinosaurs dominate the forested park in the middle of Chile’s second city.
Islamorada, Florida

Betsy the Lobster

This spiny beast guards an artist's village while vying for the title of largest lobster in the world.
Hidalgo, Texas

'World's Largest Killer Bee'

A statue in the Texas town that proudly calls itself the killer bee capital of the world.
Metepec, Mexico

Pino Suárez Linear Garden

This sculpture garden is a serene oasis wedged in the middle of a busy highway.
Pachuca de Soto, Mexico

Dinoparque's Median Strip Dinosaurs

The realistic reptiles lurk along the side of a highway.
Isabela, Puerto Rico

La Cara del Indio

La Cara del Indio honors the Taíno chief who fought bravely against the Spanish invasion of Puerto Rico.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Bacchus House

The god of wine stares out at passersby on this busy Pittsburgh thoroughfare.
Inyo County, California

Marble Bath

This desert oddity hides in plain sight thanks to a cartographic error and a desert explorer with a punny sense of humor.
Olancha, California

Olancha Sculpture Garden

A charming easy-to-miss sculpture garden filled with whimsical and thought-provoking metal sculptures.