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Mount Desert, Maine

Bubble Rock

A precariously balanced rock perches on the edge of a cliff created tens of thousands of years ago by glacial erosion.
Unity, Maine


After giving up Michelin glamour for his Amish faith, one chef now makes stellar sausages in a small, off-the-grid shop.
Swans Island, Maine

Buckle Island

This uninhabited island in Maine is home to various works of art left by visitors over the years.
Prospect, Maine

Fort Knox State Historic Site

This 19th century granite fortification is one of the most well preserved forts in New England.
York, Maine

Boon Island Light

New England's tallest light house stands on an island with a history of cannibalism and death.
Kennebunk, Maine

The Wedding Cake House

The most photographed house in Maine looks good enough to eat.
Bangor, Maine

Stephen King's Former House

The eccentric mansion of one of the most popular horror authors of modern times.
York, Maine

Wiggly Bridge

True to its name, this bouncy walkway may be the world’s smallest suspension bridge.
Freeport, Maine

The Desert of Maine

This tiny patch of arid sand sits in one of the greenest states in the United States.
Millinocket, Maine

Mount Katahdin

The highest point in Maine is a grand gift to the state citizens that also happens to be one end of the Appalachian Trail.
Hancock, Maine

Pet Sematary Filming Sites

The house and graveyard used in the Stephen King spine-chiller.
Arbutus, Maryland

The Arbutus Oak

The 320-year-old tree that greeted General Lafayette and rerouted an interstate highway.
Glenn Dale, Maryland

Marietta House Museum

A historic Maryland home that once belonged to a man who has been called "the most insignificant" U.S. Supreme Court justice.
Frederick, Maryland

Gambrill House

This three-story Victorian mansion is now home to the National Park Service’s Historic Preservation Training Center headquarters.
Walkersville, Maryland

Fountain Rock Lime Kilns

A well-preserved quarry and six of eight continuous burning pot kilns used to make burnt lime and crushed stone are highlights of the self-guided walking tour in Fountain Rock Park.
Cheverly, Maryland

The Magruder Spring

Once used by British troops to gather water prior to the Battle of Bladensburg.
Church Creek, Maryland

Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historic Park

The grounds of former plantations where abolitionist Harriet Tubman spent her youth enslaved are now a museum to her incredible life.
Ellicott City, Maryland

Thomas Isaac Log Cabin

A former pillar of the Black community in Ellicott City.
Clarksburg, Maryland

Kingsley Schoolhouse

A well-worn trail through thick woods in northern Montgomery County leads to an old schoolhouse.
Frederick, Maryland

George Wildrick House

An amazing example of Federal-period architecture, truly unique to this region of the state.
Silver Spring, Maryland

Silver Spring B&O Railroad Station

Built in 1945, this historic train station has a new lease on life with its baggage area serving as an event space.
Hagerstown, Maryland

Historic Wilson Bridge

Once damaged by Hurricane Agnes, this bridge is now on the National Register of Historic Places.
Bethesda, Maryland

The Linden Oak

This mighty white oak in Bethesda survived both the American Revolution and the construction of Washington D.C.'s metro red line.
Leonardtown, Maryland

Moll Dyer Rock

The rock on which Moll Dyer was found frozen to death is said to still bear her handprint.