supremesolice01's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Fairbanks, Alaska

Aurora Express Bed & Breakfast

One woman's dream became a train hotel in her backyard.
Northwest Arctic, Alaska

Great Kobuk Sand Dunes

Massive mounds of golden sand look like a desert landscape randomly plopped in an Arctic forest.
Barrow, Alaska

Barrow Whale Bone Arch

The "Gateway to the Arctic" connects Barrow's indigenous population with the sea and its traditional industry: whaling.
Tok, Alaska

Mukluk Land

This junkyard made over as a theme park is the "Most Alaskan place in Alaska."
Juneau, Alaska

Shrine of Saint Thérèse

This shrine to the patron saint of Alaska sits on a small tidal island and was built from the land’s own beach stones.
Haines, Alaska

Hammer Museum

A museum devoted entirely to hammers has more than 1,400 items on display dating back to the Romans.
Juneau, Alaska

Brotherhood Bridge Fireweed Field

Every summer, the Mendenhall River greenbelt comes alive with an explosion of magenta flowers.
Eagle, Alaska

Fort Egbert

This remote fort on the Yukon River is a vestige of the wild Alaska gold rush.
Aleutians West, Alaska

Kiska Island

The site of one of Japan's very few American occupations during World War II still holds the relics of a roundly disastrous campaign.
Diomede, Alaska

Little Diomede Island

Alaska Natives have lived on this tiny isolated island in the Bering Strait for over 5,000 years.
Juneau, Alaska

Patsy Ann Statue

Known as the “Official Greeter of Juneau,” this dog still welcomes ships and their passengers to Alaska.
Ketchikan, Alaska

Potlatch Totem Park

One of two side-by-side totem pole parks dedicated to educating visitors on Tlingit history and culture.
Lake and Peninsula, Alaska

Proenneke's Cabin

The simple log cabin of a famed loner and naturalist stands preserved as a symbol of the ultimate DIY lifestyle.
Fairbanks, Alaska

Lend-Lease Monument

This super-sized statue is the only public memorial to the deal that ended America's neutrality during World War II.
Kodiak, Alaska

St. Herman's Reliquary

The remains of the first saint from Alaska in the Russian Orthodox Church.
Sitka, Alaska

Saint Michael's Cathedral

The first Russian Orthodox church in North America and an Alaskan landmark.

Eldred Rock Lighthouse

The oldest original lighthouse in Alaska that was born out of a tragic shipwreck.
Juneau, Alaska

Last Chance Mining Museum

Impressive artifacts from Juneau's gold mining days fill this mining site-turned-museum.
Anchorage, Alaska

Grandma Olga Statue

Pay homage to a preeminent matriarch, and the native Dena’ina people, at this sculpture installation in Anchorage.
Seward, Alaska

Iditarod Mile 0 Marker

The beginning of the historic Iditarod Trail connecting the Alaskan cities of Seward and Nome.
Anchorage, Alaska

Alaska Native Heritage Center

See a full-scale whale skeleton and experience the captivating culture of Alaska’s Native people at this heritage center in east Anchorage.
Palmer, Alaska

Eklutna Tailrace

This popular fishing spot at the outflow of a 4.5-mile long hydroelectric tunnel sports a jetty literally made out of classic cars.
King Salmon, Alaska

Valley of 10,000 Smokes

In 1912, this idyllic Alaska landscape was blown apart in the largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century.
Fairbanks, Alaska

Chatanika Gold Dredge #3

A hulking remnant of Alaska's industrial gold mining boom in the 1920s.