Molly McBride Jacobson's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places added to Memphis, Tennessee
Places edited in Greenland
Places added to Sofia, Bulgaria
Places added to Montana
Places edited in Florida
Places added to Outer Hebrides, Scotland
Places added to Bulgaria
Places edited in Japan
Places added to Iraq
Brooklyn, New York

Dead Horse Bay

permanently closed
First a horse rendering plant, then a 19th century landfill, this beach is full of glass from thousands upon thousands of broken bottles.
New York, New York

Trinity Churchyard

This cemetery has graves dating back to the 17th century, including the city's oldest carved tombstone and an ominous cryptogram.
Brooklyn, New York

McGovern Weir Greenhouse

One of only two remaining Victorian-era greenhouses in New York.
Brooklyn, New York

Silent Barn

permanently closed
A massive art collective tries a new take on Brooklyn's DIY music scene—by making it fully legal.
Montreal, Québec


A Montreal deli that was so beloved that it was allowed to circumvent their laws of language.
Montreal, Québec

Redpath Museum

One of Canada's oldest museums, the beautiful Redpath has been serving up Natural History and Ethnography since 1882.
Montreal, Québec

Marché Jean-Talon

Montreal's giant farmer's market is a foodie's best friend, especially in the winter months.
Bangkok, Thailand

Siriraj Medical Museum

A treasure trove of pathological, forensic, parasitological, and anatomical specimens.
Bangkok, Thailand

Papaya Studio

Vintage furniture and art share space with all manner of collectibles at this quirky shop in Bangkok.
Barcelona, Spain

Saint Joseph Oriol Plaque

Saint Joseph was said to heal the deaf and blind, but it was a much smaller miracle that got him canonized.
Barcelona, Spain

Basilica of Saints Justus and Pastor

Possibly the oldest church in Barcelona, this basilica has its pagan and Christian mythologies all mixed up.
Barcelona, Spain

The Giants of Santa Maria del Pi

The oldest giants in Catalonia are now displayed in a 14th-century Gothic church.
Barcelona, Spain

Jardins de Ca n'Altimira

Bask in the 19th century grandeur of an eccentric Freemason millionaire's private gardens.
Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona's Baby Drop-off

Turntable anonymously received orphans, alms, and groceries.
Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona Erotic Museum

An unusual stroll through gentlemen's erotica demonstrates that pornography is timeless.
Barcelona, Spain

Park Güell

Gaudí's famously flamboyant architectural style is on full display in this sprawling park and garden.
Barcelona, Spain

Sagrada Família

Construction of Barcelona's iconic (but controversial) church is expected to be completed in 2026—a century after the death of its architect.
Barcelona, Spain

Calder Mercury Fountain

A beautiful but toxic fountain of mercury.
New York, New York

6 1/2 Avenue: Manhattan's Secret Street

Tucked away amidst some of the most famous addresses in the world is New York's only fraction of a street.
New York, New York

Macy's Wooden Escalators

A bit of retro transportation flair preserved in the world's largest department store.
New York, New York

The Burns Archive

A staggering collection of photographs depicting medical, social, and historical change.
New York, New York

Collyer Brothers Park

Harlem park dedicated to compulsive hoarders killed by their own junk.
Brooklyn, New York

Bushwick Schoolhouse

An 1883 schoolhouse now home to collective of artists.
Brooklyn, New York

Do the Right Thing Way

Spike Lee's provocative film is officially honored right where it was made, the first time a work of art was used as a secondary street name.