supremesolice01's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Albacete, Spain

Albacete Cutlery Museum

Housed in a stunning Victorian building, this museum has the largest exhibition of knives, blades, penknives, and scissors in Spain.
Barcelona, Spain

Foundations of the Roman Aqueduct of Barcino

These 2000 year old remains of a Roman aqueduct are hidden inside a hotel lobby.
Banyeres de Mariola, Spain

Museo Torre Font Bona

An archaeological museum squeezed into a narrow 15th-century gate tower accessed only by a spiral staircase.
Benidorm, Spain

Roman Castellum in Benidorm

This ancient fort has been a great insight into the Roman presence in the region.
Arrizala, Spain

Dolmen of Sorginetxe

An ancient stone structure that, according to legend, was built by witches.
Segovia, Spain

The Coining House

The first mechanized factory in Spain is also one of the most significant mints in the history of money.
Ibiza, Spain

Puig des Molins Necropolis

The largest and best preserved necropolis in the Western Mediterranean.
La Palma, Spain

Petroglifos El Calvario (El Calvario Petroglyphs)

Several petroglyphs are all that remain of an ancient pyramid.
La Palma, Spain

The Naval Museum of Santa Cruz de La Palma

This replica of Columbus's famous ship houses the history of La Palma's maritime importance during the Age of Exploration.
Madrid, Spain

Puerta de la Sagra

The oldest vestiges of Madrid found here, have been incorporated into this new museum.
Ansó, Spain

Dolmen of Aguas Tuertas

Among the best preserved megalithic monuments in the Aragón river valley.
Els Prats de Rei, Spain

The Manresana Tower

Tower that was a frequent stop on the travels of King James I.
Condado de Castilnovo, Spain

Castilnovo Castle

The history of this Moorish castle includes royals, a Mexican-Spanish association, and several attempts at lodging.
Roncesvalles, Spain

Roncevaux Pass

The site of a legendary battle immortalized in medieval literature.
Elche, Spain

Arab Baths

Hidden underground, a remarkable 10th-century bath complex survives virtually unaltered.
Ibi, Spain

Old Payá Toy Factory

Ibi's pioneering toy factory now houses two small but mighty museums.
La Palma, Spain

Dragos Gemelos

Behind this pair of dragon trees, there is a tragic story of lost love.
Esgos, Spain

Monasterio de San Pedro de Rocas

An abandoned 6th-century monastery features a medieval map of the known world.
Zaragoza, Spain

Reloj Solar Multicaja-Zaragoza

The world's largest sundial can cast a shadow more than 1,600 feet long.
Cáceres, Spain

Torre de las Cigüeñas (Tower of the Storks)

The tallest tower in Cáceres's Old Town.
Proaza, Spain

Cercado Osero

A mountain path passes by several sprawling enclosures home to a pair of rescued brown bears.
Madrid, Spain

Museum of Historic Trains

A thorough look at the development and history of the underground's rolling stock of the Madrid subway system.
Vegacervera, Spain

Cueva de Valporquero

The spectacular geological formations make it one of the most impressive caves in Europe.
Pruna, Spain

El Castillo de Hierro (The Iron Castle of Pruna)

This remote location of this Moorish stronghold means it doesn’t attract many tourists—and that it still has the aura of fear and bravery of the 1300s.