supremesolice01's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Landshut, Germany

Trausnitz Castle and Wunderkammer

This impressive castle looms over small German town.
Schwerin, Germany

Henry the Lion Monument

A city's controversial tribute to its founder depicts townspeople flashing their bare behinds.
Augsburg, Germany

Himmelsweiher (Sky Ponds)

In the city forest of Augsburg are oval, artificial ponds formed from a World War II bombing campaign.
Mainz, Germany

Mainzelmännchen Traffic Lights

While you wait to cross the street at a traffic light in Mainz, you might notice that the light is staring back at you.
Göttingen, Germany

Göttingen Studentenkarzer

One of the oldest student jails in Germany.
Dresden, Germany

'Der Krieg War'

A moving and macabre World War I-era painting by the great artist Otto Dix.
Berlin, Germany

Haus des Lehrers

A socialist building dedicated to teachers showcases one of the largest Soviet mosaics in the world.
Wiesbaden, Germany

Wiesbaden Kurhaus Spielbank

A historic casino where Dostoyevsky is said to have lost it all on a single spin of the roulette wheel.
Kochel am See, Germany

Wikingerdorf Flake (Flake Viking Village)

The remnants of a fictional Viking village film set now serve as an educational and historical hotspot.
Recklinghausen, Germany

Kunstgallerie Glas Haus (Art Gallery Glass House)

This small gallery nestled inside an old botanical glasshouse is a quiet place to enjoy art and nature.
Chemnitz, Germany


One of the largest busts in the world celebrates the German city's erstwhile namesake.
Schwerin, Germany

Schwerin Lenin

Germany's last remaining Lenin statue has become a lightning rod of debate about the country's divided past.
Sankt Ingbert, Germany

Grosser Stiefel (Big Boot)

This rock resembling a turned-up boot has become the symbol of St. Ingbert.
Frankfurt, Germany

Verkehrsmuseum Frankfurt am Main (Frankfurt Transit Museum)

This museum explores the history of the city's public transportation. Its collection includes the world's oldest preserved electric trolley car.
Kasendorf, Germany

The Dance Linden

For centuries, Germans have been dancing in trees.
Rüdesheim am Rhein, Germany

Siegfried's Mechanical Music Cabinet

This marvelous array is one of the largest collections of mechanical instruments in Europe.
Böblingen, Germany

German Butcher's Museum

Sausages, schnitzel, and weiners.
Schramberg, Germany

Da-Bach-na-Fahrt (Journey Down the Stream)

Whimsical wash tubs row down the stream as part of this Carnival celebration.
Bad Dürkheim, Germany

Dürkheim Giant Wine Barrel

World's largest barrel containing an inn.
Schorfheide, Germany

Finowfurt Aviation Museum

This former Soviet military base has over 10 original aircraft and an enormous amount of memorabilia on display.
Cologne, Germany

Memorial to the Edelweiss Pirates

A poignant mural honors the heroic teenage non-conformists who took on the Nazis and paid the ultimate price.
Hemer, Germany

Hemer Felsenmeer

Wooden pathways run through this rocky landscape, which legend says was created when a dwarven king pulled down his own castle to stop raiding giants.
Zossen, Germany

Wünsdorf Officer's House

A statue of Vladimir Illyich Lenin guards this abandoned building in the "Forbidden City."
Tübingen, Germany

Tübingen University Paleontological Collection

One of the world's oldest fossil exhibits is on display in a beautiful antique "naturalienkabinett."