supremesolice01's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Tokyo, Japan

Chirori the Therapy Dog

A touching statue dedicated to Japan's first therapy dog.
Kyonan, Japan

Nihonji Daibutsu: The Great Buddha of Nihonji

This giant seated Bhudda of Healing dates to the 1780s.
Tokyo, Japan


Rubbing salt on this small stone dog is said to make wishes come true.
Yufu, Japan

Yufuin Floral Village

This amusement park brings a little slice of England to the heart of Kyushu.
Tokyo, Japan

Meiji University Museum’s Criminal Materials Department

Exploring crime and punishment in feudal and pre-modern Japan.
Tokyo, Japan

Yagiri no Watashi

The only Edo-period ferry that is still in operation in Tokyo today.
Kyoto, Japan

Kyotomangekyo Museum

Visitors to this museum will discover that kaleidoscopes are much more than toys.
Tokyo, Japan

Ancient Orient Museum

A hole-in-the-wall antiquities museum in one of Tokyo's most popular megamalls.
Tokyo, Japan

Shirahatazuka Shiseki Park

Visitors to this park are welcomed by an ancient Japanese megalithic tomb that dates back to the sixth century.
Midori-ku, Japan

The Hotel Royal

This seven story Japanese love hotel now stands in ruins.
Oda, Japan

Nima Sand Museum

"Singing sands" and the world's largest hourglass reside near Japan's Kotogahama beach.
Ikaruga, Japan


Home to the world's oldest wooden building.
Karatsu, Japan

Hikiyama Float Exhibition Hall

The floats housed in this hall are more than 100 years old, and are brought out for an annual celebration.
Kyoto, Japan

Okochi Sanso Gardens

This garden located inside a bamboo forest once belonged to a famous Japanese actor.
Shimanto-chō, Japan

Kaiyodo Kappa Museum

A whimsical museum dedicated to the mischievous kappa, a mythical cucumber-loving water sprite.
Narusawa, Japan

Fugaku Wind Cave

One in a pair of subterranean caves created by an ancient eruption of Mount Fuji.
Tatebayashi-shi, Japan

Morin-ji Temple

This temple is steeped in local folklore involving a teakettle and a raccoon dog.
Kumamoto, Japan

Musashizuka Park

This beautiful Japanese garden is a memorial to the samurai who literally wrote the book on business as martial art.
Hachioji, Japan

Yakuo-in Temple

This incredible mountainside temple is home to intriguing statues of demon-like creatures.
Sapporo, Japan


This exacting restaurant will charge a fine for every grain of rice you've left behind.
Tokyo, Japan

Senju Shrine Bomb Shelter

One of the few surviving World War II-era air-raid shelters in Tokyo.

Seikan Tunnel

The world's longest tunnel with an undersea section.
Izena-son, Japan

Izena Island

Ruins and statues dot the landscape of this tiny island rich with royal history.
Tokyo, Japan

Oiteke Bori

This water goblin statue represents a 19th-century urban legend about a haunted canal that became a Japanese idiom.