katandedkyle's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Brunei
Places visited in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei
Places visited in Kuching, Malaysia
East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Komodo National Park

A sprawling nature preserve harbors the world's only living dragons.
Banyuputih, Indonesia

Kawah Ijen

Think you have a tough job? Try carrying 200 kilos through a cloud of sulfur down the side of a volcano.
Corella, Philippines

Philippine Tarsier and Wildlife Sanctuary

A patch of Philippines forest devoted to saving the lives of an emotionally sensitive species of googly-eyed primates.
Sidoarjo, Indonesia

The Sidoarjo Mud Volcano

A mud volcano in Indonesia spews out 50,000 cubic meters of mud every day.
Oslob, Philippines

Aguinid Falls

Calcium-rich water has turned the water and rocks of these Philippines falls slightly green.
Iligan City, Philippines

Tinago Falls

Hidden deep within a Filipino jungle is an incredible waterfall that plunges into a dazzling blue-green pool.
Coron, Philippines

Barracuda Lake

This curious fresh and salt water lake holds a secret that draws in deep divers from around the world.
Bantimurung, Indonesia

Prehistoric Cave Art of Maros Pangkep

These 40,000-year-old stenciled hands are older than the famous cave art in France and Spain.
Simpang Renggiang, Indonesia

Lengkuas Island

A hundred and twenty year old twelve story lighthouse located on a beautiful Indonesian island.
Rantepao, Indonesia

The Funeral Rites of Torajaland

Where cemeteries are carved into the side of cliffs and infants are buried in the hollows of trees.
Rantepao, Indonesia

Londa Burial Caves

The unique funeral practices of the Toraja can be seen here with graves carved into caves and hung off cliffs.
Puerto Princesa, Philippines

Puerto Princesa Subterranean River

Five miles of underground river link lake to ocean.
Besar Island, Malaysia

Babi Besar's Abandoned Resort

Island, once a pirate hideout, now home to an abandoned resort.
Puerto Princesa, Philippines

Ursula Island

This tiny island protects a number of rare bird species by only allowing visitors to set foot on the beach.
North Pontianak, Indonesia

The Equator Monument

This monument marks where the exact middle of the world used to be.
Spratly Islands

Spratly Islands

The most disputed archipelago in the world.
Muara Ancalong, Indonesia

Wehea Forest

Explore a uniquely pristine Borneo forest, now protected by former headhunters turned tour guides.
Kuala Penyu, Malaysia

Snake Island of Borneo

This tiny island in the South China Sea is crawling with venomous sea snakes.
Marudi, Malaysia

The Pinnacles of Gunung Mulu

These jagged limestone blades cut out through the canopy of the jungles of Borneo.
Alamada, Philippines

Asik-Asik Falls

This wondrous waterfall rushing down a green-covered mountain wasn't discovered until 2010.