ratgirltattoos's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Creswell, North Carolina

Dugout Canoes at Lake Phelps of Pettigrew State Park

This lake—the second largest in the state— was hiding historic treasures beneath its surface.
Ayden, North Carolina

Skylight Inn BBQ

This family-run joint has been going whole hog for nearly 100 years.
Wilson, North Carolina

Whirligig Park (Formerly Acid Park)

A piece of outsider public art accompanied by a strange urban legend.
Raleigh, North Carolina

The Daily Planet Theater

This hollow steel globe is the second-largest in the world.
Raleigh, North Carolina

Free Expression Tunnel

In a pedestrian tunnel on North Carolina State’s campus resides an expressive and artistic free-for-all.
Raleigh, North Carolina

Cloud Chamber for the Trees and Sky

This woodland architectural installation acts as a camera obscura for the heavens.
Durham, North Carolina

Durham's Hidden Dinosaur

Don't be surprised if you see a long-necked dinosaur peeking out from among the trees in Northgate Park.
Durham, North Carolina

Duke Lemur Center

This research center for rare prosimians is studying how they sleep to help prolong human life.
Hillsborough, North Carolina

Historic Occaneechee Speedway

One of the few surviving original NASCAR dirt-track speedways.
Greensboro, North Carolina

Elsewhere Collaborative

Art museum based around the collections accumulated over 58 years by one eccentric thrift store owner.
Wytheville, Virginia

Big Walker Lookout

A 100-foot metal tower and swinging bridge that provides stunning views of mountains in five states.
Rock, West Virginia

Lake Shawnee Amusement Park

This abandoned amusement park was built on a site with a dark history.
Columbus, Ohio

Gates of Hell

The entrance to this sinisterly named tunnel hides behind a Tim Hortons.