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Places visited in León, Nicaragua
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Proaza, Spain

Cercado Osero

A mountain path passes by several sprawling enclosures home to a pair of rescued brown bears.
Oviedo, Spain

El Sidrón Neanderthal Bones

It's believed these prehistoric individuals were the victims of cannibalism.
Oviedo, Spain

The Mafalda Monument

The much-loved protagonist of famed Argentinian comics can be found sitting on a park bench.
Cádiz, Spain

Cádiz Phoenician Anthropoid Sarcophagi

The discovery of these rare, ancient artifacts led to the creation of a new museum.
Castalla, Spain

Sculptural Wall of Vida de las Palmeras

This elaborately decorated wall is an homage to the history, beauty and lore of the palm tree.
Alcoy, Spain

Llotja de Sant Jordi

This exhibition space designed to look like the skeleton of a whale is hidden underground.
Cáceres, Spain

Don Alvaro Alley

Fragments of human bones are embedded in the walls of this quaint alley.
El Castell de Guadalest, Spain

Museo de Saleros y Pimenteros

Continental Europe's only museum devoted to salt and pepper shakers features more than 20,000 designs.
La Palma, Spain

Museo Insular de La Palma (La Palma Island Museum)

A former 16th-century monastery houses a museum dedicated to the island and its culture.
La Palma, Spain

The Interpretation Center of Rock Carvings Benehauno

Stop by, and you'll receive a map to two well-preserved ancient petroglyph sites.
Alcoy, Spain

Alcoy and Maigmó Greenways

A dictator's failed public works project has been reborn as two linked trails through spectacular scenery.
Formentera, Spain

La Mola Lighthouse

A solitary lighthouse in Spain was an inspiration to the great Jules Verne.
La Palma, Spain

Roque de los Muchachos

A series of well-preserved ruins show the culture of the ancient Benehoaritas people.
L'Arboç, Spain

La Giralda de L’Arboç

Replica of Seville, Spains famous Giralda, a former minaret converted into a bell tower.
Novelda, Spain

Novelda Shrine of Mary Magdalene

The 20th-century church looks like a rustic version of the Sagrada Familia.
Mollina, Spain

Museo Internacional de Arte Belenista (International Museum of Nativity Art)

More than 70 detailed dioramas—including some rather nontraditional ones—fill this charming museum.
Posada de Valdeón, Spain

Cantabrian Chamois of Asturias

These ungulates have quite literally bounced back from the brink of extinction.
Cuenca, Spain

Castilla-La Mancha Paleontological Museum

This museum is known as the "Land of the Dinosaurs," but its full-scale dino models are just the start.
Talaván, Spain

Hermitage of Santo Cristo

Disturbing winged beings decorate the walls of this strange abandoned hermitage.
Cangas del Narcea, Spain

Cantabrian Bears of Asturias

Head to the mountains to catch a glimpse of Spain's endangered subspecies of brown bear.
Elx, Spain

Palmeral of Elche

Originally planted by the ancient Carthaginians, this sprawling palm grove is one of the largest in the world.
Pastrana, Spain

Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (Collegiate Church of Pastrana) Crypt

To fit bodies into this Renaissance crypt, they were first left to decompose in the crypt's rotting room.
Enciso, Spain

Enciso Ichnites

Hundreds of preserved dinosaur footprints can be found along a hiking trail in this small village.
Segovia, Spain

Allegory of 'The Tree of Life'

A curious memento mori hangs in the magnificent Cathedral of Segovia.