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Places visited in León, Nicaragua
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Stockholm, Sweden

Dykande Måsen

A concrete Picasso in the middle of a student housing complex on the outskirts of Stockholm.
Stockholm, Sweden

Wooden Horse Museum

This small museum nestled inside a souvenir shop is dedicated to Sweden's most well-known toy.
Pajala N, Sweden

Lovikkavanten (Lovikka Mitten Statue)

The world’s largest knitted mitten is displayed in one of Sweden’s smallest Arctic villages.
Jönstorp, Sweden

Yangtorp Sanctuary

A Chinese meditation center in the middle of rural Sweden, partly funded by a member of ABBA.
Älvdalen N, Sweden

Trollvägen Magic Hill

Gravity seems to fail at this intriguing Swedish attraction.
Vimmerby, Sweden

Pippi Longstocking's House

A replica of the beloved character's house, modeled after the author's own drawings.
Torslanda, Sweden

Tumlehed Rock Paintings

Sweden's southernmost prehistoric rock art is hidden just outside Gothenburg.
Boge, Sweden

Tjelvar's Grave

A Bronze Age stone ship said to be the grave of the mythical founder of Gotland.
Härjedalen, Sweden

Greta Garbo Statue of Integrity

This statue, deep in a Swedish forest, is all alone, just like the renowned recluse would have wanted.
Gislövshammar, Sweden


These mysterious circular formations are actually remnants of 19th century gristmills.
Stockholm, Sweden

AlbaNova Telescope

Sweden's largest optical telescope sits on a rooftop in Stockholm.
Mörbylånga, Sweden

Sandby Borg Ringfort

Archaeologists are still unraveling the secrets of the brutal massacre that wiped out this ancient fort.
Uppsala, Sweden

Pelle Svanslös Crosswalk

Uppsala's adorable feline sign celebrates a popular children's book set in the Swedish city.
Ängelholm V, Sweden

Ängelholm UFO Memorial

A memorial to a Swedish hockey player's "encounter" with aliens.
Sala, Sweden

Little Istanbul

One man's fascination with Turkey led to this backyard mini-city.
Aneby C, Sweden

Pyramid of Stjärneborg

This pyramid in southern Sweden houses the remains of an eccentric nobleman, who spent his life doing whatever he felt like doing.
Landskrona, Sweden


This Scandinavian island is the site of the first modern observatory.
Stockholm, Sweden

HSB Paternoster lift

Stockholm's last remaining paternoster elevator.
Gnisvärd, Sweden

Gnisvärd Stone Ships

Ancient stone graves shaped like ships provided a Viking-like burial to carry the dead to the afterlife.
Ekerö, Sweden

Drottningholms Slottsteater

18th century opera in its original splendor.
Stockholm, Sweden

Skepptuna Church

A 12th-century church with a medieval fresco and an intriguing “Greek runestone.”
Linköping, Sweden

Winter Lights

For a couple of months each year this Swedish city turns into a festive neon phantasmagoria.

Lummelunda Cave

This fantastic cave remained unexplored until 1948 when three schoolboys discovered a hidden entrance.
Åkraberg, Sweden

Borrås Skåra

Walking through this narrow gorge will make you feel like you've fallen into a fairytale landscape.