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Stockholm, Sweden

Last Home of Descartes

A plaque marks the house in Stockholm where the French philosopher René Descartes lived up until his death.
Stockholm, Sweden

Ytterby Mine

The single richest source of elemental discoveries in the world.
Älvdalen S, Sweden

Old Tjikko

The world's oldest individual clonal tree looks like a wimp despite standing tall for 9,550 years.
Västerås, Sweden

Utter Inn

A floating underwater hotel, created by a Swedish artist.
Stockholm, Sweden

Lost Toys of the Nybohov Funicular

No one knows who's responsible for decorating this tunnel with stuffed animals, but the people love it enough to protest their removal.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Observatory

When this 18th-century observatory's meridian was moved, it set Sweden's time back by 0.04 seconds.
Gothenburg, Sweden

Malm Whale

One of the world's few mounted blue whales, its jaws are hinged open allowing visitors to descend into a lounge.
Stockholm, Sweden

Omnipollo's Church

Located in an old church, this brewery produces a different kind of holy water.
Stockholm, Sweden


Stockholm's tiniest statue is of a small boy looking at the Moon.
Ystad, Sweden

Ales Stenar

According to legend, this boat-shaped henge is built over the grave of a mythic king.
Höganäs, Sweden

Nimis in Ladonia

Micro-nation based around a nine-story high illegally built tower.
Stockholm, Sweden


A Japanese video game arcade hides in the back of a Swedish pool hall.
Stockholm, Sweden

'The Battle of Gotland 1361' Exhibit

This grisly exhibit houses skeletons and weapons from a devastating 14th-century clash.
Bjurholm, Sweden

Älgens Hus (The Moose House)

A Swedish farm is the world's only producer of the rare, creamy delicacy that is moose cheese.
Stockholm, Sweden

'Hemlös räv' ('Rag and Bone')

This homeless brass fox tugs at your heartstrings from the foot of a Stockholm bridge.
Stockholm, Sweden

The Cuckold of Skeppsbron

A man has revenged his true love's betrayal through tears and stone genitalia.
Stockholm, Sweden


Eat a Nobel banquet from any year in the basement of Stockholm's City Hall.
Stockholm, Sweden

Solar Egg

A golden egg-shaped sauna in the Arctic tundra.
Stockholm, Sweden

Mårten Trotzigs Gränd

Stockholm's narrowest alley is barely over two feet wide.
Stockholm, Sweden

Museum of Medieval Stockholm

The discovery of an old wall led to the creation of this fascinating museum about the city in the Middle Ages.
Stockholm, Sweden

Nobels spränggropar (Nobel's Blasting Bunkers)

The remains of Alfred Nobel's first nitroglycerine factory can still be found on the shores of a Swedish bay.
Stockholm, Sweden

Pionen Data Center

The internet as provided by a James Bond villain.
Kiruna, Sweden


The world's first ice hotel is still one of the most elaborate and beautiful.
Borgholm, Sweden

Trollskogen (The Troll Forest)

Crooked windswept pines give this old forest an enchanted and magical look.