abaker1016's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Visby, Sweden

The Maiden's Tower

Known locally as the Jungfrutornet, this Medieval tower hides a dark legend.
Stockholm, Sweden

'The Flute Player'

This small statue hints at the incorrect origins of the lush landscape park surrounding it.
Viken, Sweden

MidSweden 365

A former top secret military tunnel is now stuffed with snow and open year-round to skiers.
Dala-järna, Sweden

Café i Fårhus

This restaurant gives a new meaning to farm-to-table cuisine.
Stockholm, Sweden

Dykande Måsen

A concrete Picasso in the middle of a student housing complex on the outskirts of Stockholm.
Visby, Sweden

Sankt Göransporten Arrow Slit

A catapult rock from Gotland’s 13th-century civil war is still lodged in Scandinavia's best-preserved medieval city wall.
Jönstorp, Sweden

Yangtorp Sanctuary

A Chinese meditation center in the middle of rural Sweden, partly funded by a member of ABBA.
Vimmerby, Sweden

Pippi Longstocking's House

A replica of the beloved character's house, modeled after the author's own drawings.
Varberg, Sweden

Lenin Spa

Take a schvitz just like an infamous Soviet dictator while his unblinking eye looks on.
Stockholm, Sweden

Pompes Grav (Pompe the Dog's Grave)

A tombstone on the grounds of the royal castle marks the burial site of a Swedish king's beloved dog.
Robertsfors N, Sweden

World's Largest Cheese Slicer

The cheese slicer may be a Norwegian invention, but the biggest ones in the world are found in Sweden.
Stockholm, Sweden

Bistro Nobel Signed Chairs

Maybe the only restaurant in the world where your seat will be signed by a Nobel laureate.
Gävle, Sweden

Gs 13 Runestone

A Viking man's tribute to his brother stands in Gävle's oldest church.
Stockholm, Sweden


A concrete mushroom that divided Stockholm residents for nearly a century.
Linköping, Sweden

The First Pirate Bay Server

From under the bed of one of the co-founders, this server helped launch the notorious file-sharing website.
Stockholm, Sweden


A traveling Bronze Age sacrificial stone that was used to honor elves, fairies, and other woodland spirits.
Hökåsen-Badelunda, Sweden


This patch of land is home to Sweden's largest burial mound, allegedly belonging to a mythical king.
Ödeshög V, Sweden

Alvastra Abbey

The ruins of a monastery where Saint Bridget of Sweden had her revelations recorded.
Gislövshammar, Sweden


These mysterious circular formations are actually remnants of 19th century gristmills.
Uppsala, Sweden

Urdar's Well and Yggdrasil

Legend says this fabled well held part of a mythical Norse tree.
Stockholm, Sweden

Tantolunden Flak Position

Tucked away in a downtown Stockholm park are the remains of a World War II defense position.
Stockholm, Sweden

Aunt Green, Aunt Brown, and Aunt Lavender

The three colorful women depict characters from a beloved children's story.
Önneköp, Sweden

Republic of Önneköp

This micronation's flag honors its favorite drink, Kaffegöken, or "cuckoo-coffee."
Stockholm, Sweden

'In Between'

What looks like a birch tree smushed between two pieces of glass often confounds commuters.