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Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

Bensberg Old Castle

This strange building looks like a medieval fortress crashed into a 1960s Brutalist office block.
Bremen, Germany

Bremer Ratskeller

One of the oldest wine cellars in Germany is now a restaurant beneath Bremen's town hall.
Lübeck, Germany

The Broken Bells of St. Mary's

The bells remain in a shattered heap exactly as they fell when the church was bombed in World War II.
Eisenach, Germany

Wartburg Castle

The castle where Martin Luther secretly translated the New Testament from Greek to German while in hiding.
Berlin, Germany

Silent Green Kulturquartier

Concerts, art, offices, and a café in what used to be Berlin's first crematorium.
Munich, Germany


This beautiful 19th-century temple stands atop the ruins of its predecessor.
Dresden, Germany

Dresden Codex

To the great disappointment of doomsdayers, this codex merely contains records of the Moon and Venus.
Laußig, Germany

Secret Military Bunker Kossa

This East German military command bunker was ready for World War III.
Bremen, Germany

Bremen Drop Tower

The only microgravity tower in Europe can produce nine seconds of weightlessness.
Berlin, Germany

Luisenfriedhof II

One of the oldest cemeteries in Germany was originally used for victims of a cholera epidemic.
Koblenz, Germany

Augenroller (Eye Roller)

Every half hour the eye-rolling clock face sticks out its tongue to mock the good citizens of Koblenz.
Hamelin, Germany

Glockenspiel of Hameln

The real life town from the Pied Piper of Hamelin has a mechanical puppet show that retells the famous story many times a day.
Munich, Germany

Volkssternwarte München

A delightful but little-known public observatory and planetarium in Munich.
Aachen, Germany

Printen Museum

This bakery and museum offers tours of the tastes and mythology of Aachen's signature spice biscuit—just don't ask for the recipe.
Essen, Germany


The Bauhaus-style former industrial complex is considered the world's most beautiful coal mine.
Bingen, Germany

Mouse Tower

Legendary site where an evil bishop was devoured by rodents.
Regensburg, Germany

Document Neupfarrplatz

From Ancient Rome to WWII, Neupfarrplatz has over 2,000 years of history underneath its main square.
Blaubeuren, Germany

The Blautopf

In this brilliant blue spring in Germany, legend has it that a sad mermaid learned to finally laugh.
Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt Wishing Wells

Carved fountains poignantly placed in parks and in front of special monuments.
Frankfurt, Germany

Luftbrückendenkmal: Monument to the Berlin Airlift

The sweet story of how American cargo planes became known as "Candy Bombers" during the Berlin Blockade.
Nagold, Germany


A German town is growing a building out of trees.
Heidelberg, Germany

Heidelberg Tun

Sitting in the basement of a castle, the largest wine barrel in the world is bigger than most apartments.
Flintsbach am Inn, Germany

Flintsbach Historical Cemetery

A rare example of a German cemetery with traditional grave markers dating back several generations.
Colditz, Germany

Colditz Castle

An officers prison camp believed to be impregnable by the Germans saw over 30 successful escapes.