mjkite1020's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Appomattox, Virginia

Joel Sweeney's Grave

The final resting place of a controversial man who was instrumental in plucking the banjo from obscurity.
Lynchburg, Virginia

Anne Spencer House and Garden Museum

The Harlem Renaissance poet and activist wrote, organized, and hosted travelers in this Lynchburg, Virginia oasis.
Bedford, Virginia

Sharp Top Crash Site

A glimpse into the sacrifices of military members during World War II.
Rougemont, North Carolina

Castle Mont Rouge

A sculptor's dream castle turned fantastical ruin.
Prospect Hill, North Carolina

Shangri-La Stone Village

A retired tobacco farmer's pet project turned into a sturdy miniature city.
Danville, Virginia

AAF Tank Museum

This sprawling museum holds one man's giant collection of real tanks.
Mayfield, Kentucky

The Strange Procession Which Never Moves

Everyone and everything one man ever loved and lost, now stare into the East for all eternity.
Nashville, Tennessee

Bobbie's Dairy Dip

This seasonal soft serve shack has been doling out silky swirls since 1951.
Nashville, Tennessee

Old Tennessee State Prison

This defunct, fortress-like prison has been the setting for several movies.
Nashville, Tennessee

George Boedecker's Sculpture Garden

Dinosaurs invade a suburban Nashville neighborhood.
Jackson, Tennessee

Casey Jones Village

This Tennessee museum is dedicated to a tragic railroad hero who inspired the famous ballad that bears his name.
Lamar, Colorado

Petrified Wood Building

Once named the “world’s oldest gas station” due to its unusual construction material.
Granada, Colorado

Amache National Historic Site

The remains of a World War II-era Japanese American internment camp dot a windswept Colorado hill.
Greensburg, Kansas

The Big Well

The United States's largest hand-dug well is topped with a state-of-the-art museum.
Fort Sumner, New Mexico

Grave of Billy the Kid

The final resting place of the most famous outlaw in the Old West.
Lawton, Oklahoma

Fort Sill

Final resting place of Geronimo, Quanah Parker, and the first atomic gun ever fired.
Lawton, Oklahoma

Parallel Forest

A peculiar forest that was handcrafted for government experiments.
Keyes, Colorado

3 Points Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma

This marker identifies the location where three states converge.
Ransom Canyon, Texas

Robert Bruno’s Steel House

A wacky, UFO-shaped house in a suburban neighborhood.
McLean, Texas

1929 Phillips 66 Station

This refurbished gas station is one of the oldest in Texas, located on the original Route 66.
Amarillo, Texas

The Second Amendment Cowboy

This constitutionally sound Muffler Man harkens back to the days these attractions were a must-see.
Amarillo, Texas

Combine City

These half-buried combine harvesters just off Route 66 are an homage to the Cadillac Ranch.
Cache, Oklahoma

Holy City of the Wichitas

This little slice of old Jerusalem in Oklahoma is the evolution of a century-old passion play.
Aline, Oklahoma

Sod House Museum

The only remaining sod house Oklahoma built by a homesteader in 1894.