f35188431's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Tongyeong-si, South Korea

Dongpirang Mural Village

This hillside village by the sea has been revitalized by street art.
Gumi, South Korea

Dorisa Temple

Known as the birthplace of Korean Buddhism, this temple features an ancient, five-story stone pagoda.
Pohang, South Korea

Dokdo/Takeshima (Liancourt Rocks)

Japan and South Korea both lay claim to islands inhabited by one woman.
Paju, South Korea

Dora Observatory

The best place for scenic views of the DMZ and North Korea.
Yangpyeong, South Korea

Dreamy Camera Cafe

This quirky Korean eatery is built to resemble an equally quirky vintage camera.
Pohang, South Korea

Daewonsa Temple

To enter the lower hall of this temple, you must first walk through a dragon.

Devil's Bend (Old Upper Thomson Road)

This sharp turn was once the most dangerous part of the Singapore Grand Prix circuit.
Angono, Philippines

Doña Aurora Street Art

A series of murals cast in concrete decorate the walls where the famous artist Botong once lived.
Malabon, Philippines

Demon in the Cemetery

A very peculiar and macabre statue calls Tugatog Cemetery home.
Dara Adamkhel, Pakistan

Darra Adam Khel

A city entirely devoted to illegal gun production.
Derawar, Pakistan

Derawar Fort

Massive fortress bastions in the desert of Cholistan.
Kapilvastu, Nepal

Dhamnihawa Stupas

A pair of stupas that archaeologists believe were built to honor the parents of Siddhartha Gautama (aka Lord Buddha).
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Dambadarjaa Monastery

An off-the-beaten-path monastery in the northern hills of Ulaanbaatar.
Sainshand, Mongolia

Danzanravjaa Museum

Hidden treasures belonging to Mongolia's most revered and multi-talented monk spent decades buried in the Gobi desert.
Dharavandhoo, Maldives

Dharavandhoo Fish Market

When the sun sets, the customers arrive—but they’re not human.
Dhigurah, Maldives

Dhigurashu Thun'di (Long Beach)

A narrow, serpentine spit of sand is constantly eroded and rebuilt by competing currents.
George Town, Malaysia

Dhammikarama Burmese Temple

This Theravada Buddhist temple is a peaceful oasis steeped in history.
Langkawi, Malaysia

Dataran Lang (Eagle Square)

This statue of an eagle taking flight welcomes visitors to Langkawi.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dharma Realm Guan Yin Sagely Monastery Canteen

Come for the chanting, stay for the monastical vegan buffet.
Karakol, Kyrgyzstan

Dungan Mosque

Built entirely of interlocking pieces, construction of this Chinese Muslim house of worship required zero nails.
Yrdyk, Kyrgyzstan

Dungan Family Restaurant

On the shores of Kyrgyzstan's Issyk-Kul Lake, a family cooks a feast that tells the sad tale of a people's exile.
Semey, Kazakhstan

Dostoevsky's Desk

The Russian author's writing desk remains inside the house where he spent part of his Siberian exile.
Sapporo, Japan

Dog's Roasted Sweet Potato Stand

The only thing sweeter than the potatoes is the canine proprietor of this roadside stall.
Kagoshima, Japan

Deai-sugi Cedar Tree

This train station meeting spot is an actual, millennia-old tree from the island of Yakushima.