f35188431's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Risti, Estonia

'Soorebane' ('Bog Fox')

The first designer power line in Estonia.
Alatskivi, Estonia

Alatskivi Castle

A wealthy aristocratic family built this Disney-worthy, fairy-tale castle.
Tallinn, Estonia

'Lucky Chimney Sweeper'

Rubbing the buttons along this statue's coat is considered good luck.
Tallinn, Estonia


This set of concrete chambers resonates according to different notes of octaves.
Ämari, Estonia

Ämari Pilots’ Cemetery

This soviet pilot's graveyard is filled with headstones made of airplane fins.
Risskov, Denmark

Aarhus Hjernesamlingen (Aarhus Brain Collection)

Over 9,000 brains collected between 1945 and 1982 demonstrate the results of untreated mental illness.
Odense, Denmark

'Kløvet sten' ('Split Stone')

After attracting attention for nearly three decades while standing in front of a church, this phallic stone sculpture is now tucked away in a campus backyard.
Frederikssund, Denmark

'Min Indre Svinehund' ('My Inner Beast')

This striking pig statue was part of a 1993 guerilla art project against racism.
Randers, Denmark

'Bar Roma'

This enormous aluminum figure in Denmark lying in a plunged position, echoes the global debate on canceled historical statues.
Greve, Denmark

'The Little Match Girl'

With a bundle of matches in one hand and a mobile phone in the other, this sculpture is a modern take on Hans Christian Andersen's poignant fairy tale.
Sorø, Denmark

'Metaforkirkegården' ('The Cemetery of Metaphors')

A small artistic "graveyard" where clichéd expressions have been buried.
Sønderborg, Denmark

'Støvlen' ('The Boot')

This colossal hiking boot, once built for a scout jamboree, serves as an observation tower and barbecue area.
Copenhagen, Denmark

‘Death and the Mother’

This sculptural representation of an Andersen fairy tale had to be pushed away for being too grim.
Odense, Denmark

'Stoppenålen' ('The Darning Needle')

This risqué sculpture, based on a Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, caused outrage 35 years after it was erected.
Aalborg, Denmark

Aalborg Tower

This modernist tower was saved by a fraternity with a 500-year-old penchant for shooting at wooden parrots.
Copenhagen, Denmark

'Havfrue' ('Mermaid')

Copenhagen's "other" little mermaid marks the historic location of past sea maid sightings.
Helsingør, Denmark

'Han' ('He')

The shiny silver little brother to Copenhagen's Little Mermaid statue.
Copenhagen, Denmark

'Trold, der vejrer kristenblod' ('Troll, which Sniffs Out Christian Blood')

Positioned outside a church, this sinister folkloric figure incited protests in both 1902 and 2002.
Aarhus, Denmark

'Magic Mushrooms'

This inverted metropolis model is the artist's "revenge" for not being allowed to have a doll house as a kid.
Copenhagen, Denmark

'Tisseren' ('The Pee-er')

An unconventional and naturalistic sculpture depicting the artist marking his territory on an exterior faculty wall.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Ørsted's House

The house where a Danish physicist discovered the connection between electricity and magnetism.
Albertslund, Denmark


An artist has turned what most people would consider a bathroom nightmare into a work of political art.
Gudhjem, Denmark

Østerlars Church

The largest of Denmark's seven mysterious round churches stands on an island in the Baltic Sea.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Agnete and the Merman

Beneath Denmark's Højbro bridge, a bronze merman and his seven sons forever mourn for the mother and wife who left them for land.