f35188431's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Ndola, Zambia

Dag Hammarskjöld Crash Site

A memorial marks the spot where a plane crash killed several United Nations members on a peace mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Victoria Falls, Zambia

Devil's Swimming Pool

The world's highest and most dangerous infinity pool lies at the precipice of Victoria Falls.
Carthage, Tunisia

Dar El Annabi

This museum in the famously blue neighborhood of Sidi Bou Saïd showcases a traditional Tunisian lifestyle.
Teboursouk, Tunisia


The best-preserved Roman small town in North Africa.
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Dylan Lewis Studio and Sculpture Garden

A sculpted indigenous garden featuring more than 60 works by Dylan Lewis.
Saldanha, South Africa

Donkergat Whaling Station

At one South African whaling station, this industrial extermination led to a feeding frenzy that may have even been a key inspiration for Jaws.
Cape Town, South Africa

District Six Museum

A sobering account of the vibrant multicultural neighborhood that was destroyed under apartheid.
Musanze, Rwanda

Dian Fossey's Grave

Burial site of the world's most widely known researcher on the endangered mountain gorilla.
Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo

De Brazza's Mausoleum

A crypt believed by many Congolese to be a center of black magic.

Dabous Giraffes

These ancient giraffes are the largest known animal petroglyphs in the world.
Alt Duwisib, Namibia

Duwisib Castle

A German “baron” built this castle for his wife, but their romance was short-lived.

Dinosaur Footprints on the Otjihaenamaparero Farm

Tracks of ceratosaurus and Coelophysis rhodesiensis tracks can be found fossilized in the sandstone near Mt. Etjo.
Sossusvlei, Namibia

Dead Vlei

This "dead marsh" sits among the largest sand dunes in the world, a forest frozen in time.
Fez, Morocco

Dar Batha

This former royal palace with gorgeous gardens became the first museum in Morocco.
Meknes, Morocco

Dar Jamai Museum

A museum dedicated to the musical instruments used in traditional Moroccan music.
Timbuktu, Mali

Djingareyber Mosque

One of Western Africa's oldest mosques, this Timbuktu icon has stood for nearly 700 years.
Nairobi, Kenya

David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

This wildlife trust is dedicated to orphaned elephant rescue and conservation.
Lamu, Kenya

Donkeys of Lamu Island

Kenya’s oldest town is more than 700 years old and home to 6,000 donkeys.
Afar Zone 2, Ethiopia


The hottest place on the planet.
Dandarah, Egypt

Dendera Light

Ancient Egyptian relief, claimed to depict an electrical light.
Qesm Hurghada, Egypt

Desert Breath

A massive work of modern art that appears to be a crop circle in the middle of the desert.
Ivoini, Comoros

Dos du Dragon

This moss-covered, rocky outcropping looks like a mythical beast resting in the water.

Desert Lakes of Ounianga

These natural wonders have taken millennia to form into the stunning marvels they are today.

Cubagua Island

This island in Venezuela is known for its significance in early Spanish colonization and pearl trade.