Ahuntley's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Places edited in Urbana, Illinois
Places visited in Farmington, Pennsylvania
Places added to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Places edited in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Places edited in Frederick, Maryland
Detroit, Michigan

Diego Rivera's Detroit Industry

These enduring murals depicting a distinctly Marxist tribute to capitalism could not even be defeated by McCarthyism.
Detroit, Michigan

Detroit Masonic Temple

The world’s largest Masonic temple was saved by the White Stripes.
Detroit, Michigan

McNamara Terminal Light Tunnel

Inside the Wayne County airport is an amazing collection of lights and sounds.
Allen Park, Michigan

Uniroyal Giant Tire

The 80-foot tire that looms over Michigan's I-94 was once a Ferris wheel in the New York World Fair.
Dearborn, Michigan

Dymaxion House

The only surviving prototype for Buckminster Fuller's house of the future.
Dearborn, Michigan

Edison's Last Breath

A sealed test tube said to hold Thomas Edison's dying breath was given to the inventor's friend and mentee, Henry Ford.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Miniature Railroad & Village

Pittsburgh’s largest and most detailed model train display began as one WWI veteran’s hobby.
Lititz, Pennsylvania

Julius Sturgis Pretzel Bakery

Don't get it twisted: This is the oldest pretzel bakery in the United States.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Gettysburg’s First Shot Marker

This is the spot where the bloodiest battle in the American Civil War may have started.
Cleveland, Ohio

Grave of Alan Freed

A jukebox headstone marks the grave of the Cleveland disc jockey credited with coining the term “rock 'n' roll."
Cleveland, Ohio

Wade Memorial Chapel

Inside the unassuming cemetery chapel is a magnificent stained glass window and mosaics.
Cleveland, Ohio

The Haserot Angel

The angel of death appears to weep black tears at this grave marker.
Mill Run, Pennsylvania


Frank Lloyd Wright's most iconic home dangles over a Pennsylvania waterfall.
Frederick, Maryland

Gambrill House

This three-story Victorian mansion is now home to the National Park Service’s Historic Preservation Training Center headquarters.
Frederick, Maryland

George Wildrick House

An amazing example of Federal-period architecture, truly unique to this region of the state.
Germantown, Maryland

Earthoid Water Tank

The whole world in one water tank.
Clarksburg, Maryland

Dowden's Ordinary Park

This suburban park recalls the history of a famous tavern. Despite the name, it's no ordinary place!
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

Ruins of St. John's Episcopal Church

Built in the 1850s, this church was of the first five churches constructed in Harper's Ferry.
Buffalo, New York

William McKinley Assassination Plaque

The site of William McKinley's tragic assassination is only marked by an underwhelming boulder.
Chicago, Illinois

Pullman Historic District

First planned industrial community in the United States.
Chicago, Illinois


The unluckiest U-boat in the entire German fleet is now on display in a Chicago museum.
Washington, D.C.

District of Columbia Center Point

A little marble compass above George Washington's (empty) tomb in the Capitol marks where D.C.'s four quadrants intersect.
Washington, D.C.

Inside the Capitol Dome

The walls of the iconic dome are hollow and have a secret stairway.
Washington, D.C.

Flag Office Elevator

The elevator that makes it possible to fly American flags in bulk over the U.S. Capitol