alairecomyn's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bridgeport, California

Bodie State Historic Park

Standing in a state of "arrested decay," this ghost town allows for a detailed peek into Gold Rush life in an unusually harsh climate.
Silverado, California

Black Star Canyon

The site of murders and Satanic cult gatherings.
La Cañada Flintridge, California

Devil's Gate

An unfortunate geological resemblance to Satan has labeled this Pasadena gorge as a passage to the underworld.
Mono County, California

Hot Creek Geological Site

This naturally heated mountainous creek has created a group of neon blue pools of potentially deadly boiling water.
Inyo County, California

Badwater Basin

The lowest point in North America is home to an undrinkable pool surrounded by fields of geometric salt flats.
Los Angeles, California

Chicken Boy

The so-called "Statue of Liberty of Los Angeles" is on a one mutant mission to keep L.A. weird.
Los Angeles, California

Thompson Home

Nancy Thompson's Home from "A Nightmare on Elm Street."
Los Angeles, California

Musso and Frank Grill

This star-studded Old Hollywood restaurant is where fettuccine Alfredo made its United States debut.
Los Angeles, California

Japanese Garden at the Donald C. Tillman Water Reclamation Plant

This traditional garden in the San Fernando Valley doubled for Star Fleet Academy, and is irrigated entirely by wastewater.
Landers, California

The Integratron

Experience a quartz crystal sound bath inside a storied, all-wood sound-chamber.
Leggett, California

Chandelier Tree

This massive redwood tree has a hole in the base big enough to drive through.
Los Angeles, California


This ultra-modern home clings to the slope of the Hollywood Hills on a precarious stilt.
Los Angeles, California

Snow White Cottages

Magical-looking cottages that inspired one of the most famous animated films ever.
Rancho Palos Verdes, California

Wayfarers Chapel

A Swedenborgian glass church surrounded by redwoods sits perched atop a massive landslide area.
Los Angeles, California

Binoculars Building

In a city filled with Frank Gehry buildings, one stands out as one of the architect's weirder works.
Los Angeles, California

Space Shuttle Endeavour

The final resting place of a space program monolith.
Bolinas, California

Alamere Falls

This rare example of a "tidefall" is a spectacular drop from the cliffs down onto the beach.
Los Angeles, California

Heritage Square Museum

Beautiful Victorian buildings from L.A.'s forgotten architectural past.
Lee Vining, California

Mono Lake

Aqueducts have dramatically changed this old lake, now home to tufa towers and its very own species of tiny brine shrimp.
Big Pine, California

Methuselah Tree

Once thought to be the oldest living tree in the world, Methuselah was germinated before the Egyptian pyramids were built.
Los Angeles, California

Halloween House

Everyone remembers Laurie Strode from Halloween, but this is the house where most of the blood was shed.
Los Angeles, California

Stay On Main Hotel

This brightly made over hotel hides decades of suicide, serial killers, and mysterious deaths.
Mono County, California

Crowley Lake Columns

Eons old volcanic activity created one of the most stunning rock formations in the United States.
Truckee, California

Donner Pass Summit Tunnels

The now-abandoned tunnels were built for the transcontinental railroad on the route where the first wagon train entered California.