alexb9573's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Chelsea, Oklahoma

Totem Pole Park

This historic folk art garden contains a nightmare tower that claims to be the world's largest concrete totem pole.
Williams, Arizona

Sultana Bar

Bootleggers ran booze beneath this building before (and after) Route 66 appeared beside it.
Sedona, Arizona

Teal McDonald's Arches

The world's only teal arches exist in a city that cares more about its aesthetic than an Instagram influencer.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Pueblo Montaño Chainsaw Sculpture Garden

When life gave this firefighter a forest fire, he made a rough-hewn sculpture park using a chainsaw.
Amarillo, Texas

Combine City

These half-buried combine harvesters just off Route 66 are an homage to the Cadillac Ranch.
Amarillo, Texas

'Ozymandias on the Plains'

A pair of giant legs paying homage to a poem, a king, and it would seem, socks.
Amarillo, Texas

Cadillac Ranch

A sculpture made of 10 Cadillacs as a monument to the "Golden Age" of the American automobile.
Amarillo, Texas

The Second Amendment Cowboy

This constitutionally sound Muffler Man harkens back to the days these attractions were a must-see.
Arcadia, Oklahoma

OK County 66 - John’s Place

A quirky mishmash of Route 66 memorabilia and other throwbacks from the past.
Arcadia, Oklahoma


The future of roadside attractions is this sci-fi soda mecca that is home to a 66-foot tall neon pop bottle.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Milk Bottle Grocery

This giant mimetic milk bottle has encouraged Route 66 travelers to choose dairy since 1948.