alexswieca's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Stockholm, Sweden

Pionen Data Center

The internet as provided by a James Bond villain.
Stockholm, Sweden

Snösätra Wall of Fame

Street artists transformed this abandoned industrial neighborhood into one of Europe's largest graffiti exhibitions.
Stockholm, Sweden

Uppland Runic Inscription 53

An ancient Viking runestone hidden in plain view in Stockholm's old town.
Stockholm, Sweden

Ribbinska Huset

It is said that each of the white stones in the red facade of this medieval house represents the head of a murdered Swedish noble.
Stockholm, Sweden

Skansen Open Air Museum

Sweden's "good old days" painstakingly re-created in a model village.
Stockholm, Sweden

Sweden Solar System

The world's largest model of our planetary system.
Stockholm, Sweden

Kungsträdgården Metro Station

Stockholm's deepest subway station is also a stunning ecological wonder.
Stockholm, Sweden

Vasa Museum

It houses the remains of a 17th-century version of the Titanic.
Stockholm, Sweden

Victoriahuset (Victoria House)

A rare surviving Victorian greenhouse designed specifically to house giant water lilies.
Stockholm, Sweden


Dine on food tied to Viking history and legend at this subterranean Stockholm spot.
Stockholm, Sweden

R1 Nuclear Reactor

Sweden's first nuclear reactor, R1, can be visited 25 meters underground.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Metro Art Gallery

Stockholm's decidedly unique public transit system has doubled as the world's longest art gallery for decades.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Bolsjefabrikken (The Candy Factory)

A former smithy turned cultural hub with the capital's largest mural space.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Sankt Peders Bageri

Denmark’s oldest bakery is home to the 'Wednesday Snail,' one of the best cinnamon rolls on the planet.
Læsø, Denmark


This antique farmhouse is one of Læsø's rare seaweed houses.
Thyborøn, Denmark

Sneglehuset (The Snail House)

A Danish fisherman spent 25 years covering nearly every inch of his home with tens of thousands of shells as a gift to his wife.
Aarhus, Denmark

'Magic Mushrooms'

This inverted metropolis model is the artist's "revenge" for not being allowed to have a doll house as a kid.
Aarhus, Denmark

Smiling Sun Mural

A symbol for the opposition to nuclear power around the world.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Martha and Marie

Long before ultrasounds and modern testing, medical specimens like these conjoined twins helped physicians learn about congenital anomalies.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Geodetic Midpoint of Denmark

Once a meeting point for great thinkers, and the midpoint of the country.
Aalborg, Denmark


From buck blood to Theriak miracle tonic, this collection of Renaissance chemist's gear look's like a wizard's pantry.
Vejle, Denmark

Haraldskær Woman

When this Iron Age bog body was discovered in 1835, it was thought that she had died recently.
Aarhus, Denmark

Bispetorvet Dinosaur Footprint

A public display of random paleontology.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Toga Vin & Ølstue

An old Danish political institution where members of government can grab a drink off the record.