alf96807's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Thyborøn, Denmark

Sneglehuset (The Snail House)

A Danish fisherman spent 25 years covering nearly every inch of his home with tens of thousands of shells as a gift to his wife.
Thisted, Denmark

Thagaard's Plantation

A failed attempt to control drifting sands yielded a gnarled sylvan wonderland.
Nibe, Denmark

The Troll Church

In legend, this ancient dolmen was said to have been created when a troll tried to destroy a church.
Aalborg, Denmark


From buck blood to Theriak miracle tonic, this collection of Renaissance chemist's gear look's like a wizard's pantry.
Aalborg, Denmark

Aalborg Tower

This modernist tower was saved by a fraternity with a 500-year-old penchant for shooting at wooden parrots.
Norresundby, Denmark

Lindholm Høje

This Danish rock field is actually a sprawling ancient cemetery holding the bodies of 700 Vikings.
Hals, Denmark

Hals Whale Jaws

A small Denmark town displays a pair of titanic jaw bones as their community symbol.
Løkken, Denmark

Rubjerg Knude Lighthouse

An abandoned lighthouse awaits its destiny: being buried under shifting sand.
Sæby, Denmark

Nellemann's Have

This historic orchard contains Northern Europe's largest collection of paradise apple trees.
Frederikshavn, Denmark

Cloos Tower

Plans for this local observation tower were debated for so long, the allocated funds lost value and the design had to be changed.
Skagen, Denmark

The Sand-Covered Church

Tiring of digging out the door to this church for every service, it was eventually abandoned to the sands.
Skagen, Denmark


The northernmost point in Denmark is a turbulent sandbar created by two clashing seas.
London, England

Dick Whittington’s Cat

A monument to the thrice mayor of London who according to lore made his fortune by selling his rat-chasing cat.
London, England

World's Largest Potted Plant

The cedar tree in Highgate Cemetery earned its title by accident.
London, England

Isokon Flats

An exercise in radical design and social living that became the epicenter of Soviet spy networks in London.
London, England

Hampstead Pergola

This secluded walkway overlooks a magnificently wild London green space.
London, England

Tongue & Brisket

This third-generation institution is one of the last in London that still cures its own salt beef for epic sandwiches.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Vejrpigerne ('The Weather Girls')

This pair of gilded girls atop an Art Deco building in Copenhagen were built to function as a weather indicator.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Kosmik Rum

Visitors are treated to a stained glass kaleidoscope interior inside this work of art.
Hellerup, Denmark


Danish observation tower designed to look like a giant beer bottle.
Flemingsberg, Sweden

Kungens Kurva Shoppingcenter (King's Bend Mall)

An entire shopping mall and industrial terrain named for the time the king of Sweden's car went into a ditch.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Grundtvig’s Church

This sublime architectural marvel is a rare example of an expressionist church.
Stockholm, Sweden

Victoriahuset (Victoria House)

A rare surviving Victorian greenhouse designed specifically to house giant water lilies.
Stockholm, Sweden


Stockholm's tiniest statue is of a small boy looking at the Moon.