ameliamcg1999's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Il-Gżira, Malta

Duck Village

The eclectic seaside sanctuary caters to a rather fowl crowd.
San Lawrenz, Malta

The Azure Window and the Blue Hole

Two geological phenomena in one precarious locale: a towering stone window, and a deep blue void.
Ghajnsielem, Malta

Bethlehem in Ghajnsielem

In the sleepy town of Gozo exists a reproduction of the entire town of Bethlehem.
Mosta, Malta

Abandoned Subaru Dealership

This garage is frozen in the late 1990s, full of rare and untouched cars and motorcycles.
Naxxar, Malta

Palazzo Parisio

An 18th-century hunting lodge turned haunted Baroque palace.
San Lawrenz, Malta

The Inland Sea

The fishing boats that moor in this small lagoon enter and leave through a tunnel to the sea.
Rabat, Malta

Domvs Romana

The remains of a 1st-century aristocratic Roman town house featuring beautiful well-preserved mosaics.
Victoria, Malta

The Old Prison

This prison on the Maltese island of Gozo is almost 500 years old, and they have the graffiti to prove it.
Mellieħa, Malta

Popeye Village

An abandoned set from the 1980 film "Popeye," claimed and repurposed as a theme park by creative locals.
Mitsero, Cyprus

Abandoned Mitsero Mines

Rusted structures stand like ghosts of Cyprus' 6,000-year-old copper industry.
Egkomi, Cyprus

Nicosia International Airport

This former Cyprus flight hub is now a crumbling, abandoned ghost complex.
Paphos, Cyprus

St. Paul's Pillar

Legend holds that St. Paul was flogged for preaching Christianity at this pillar.
Kouklia, Cyprus

Aphrodite's Rock

This sea stack in Cyprus is traditionally seen as the birthplace of the goddess Aphrodite.
Neo Chorio, Cyprus

Aphrodite's Bath

Legend holds that the Ancient Greek goddess of love once bathed in the waters of this grotto.
Akrotiri, Cyprus

Holy Monastery of St. Nicholas of the Cats

For nearly 2,000 years this church has been waging war on local snakes by importing cats.
Split, Croatia

Crkva Sv. Martina (St. Martin's Church)

Split's smallest church, and one of its oldest, has been reconstructed inside the city's Roman walls.
Malo Grablje, Croatia

Abandoned Village of Malo Grablje

This deserted town in the hills of Croatia’s "party island" may have a scandalous connection to King Henry VIII.

Limski Kanal

This narrow fjord-like bay is the largest ria in the Mediterranean Sea.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Daksa Island

This Croatian island is for sale but no one is buying due to the dozens of accused Nazi sympathizers who were massacred there after WWII.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

The Relic of St. Silvan

A full figure 4th century incorruptible saint lies in a glass coffin in Croatia.
Rijeka, Croatia

Torpedo Launch Station

Now abandoned, the world's first torpedo factory is crumbling into the sea.
Jablanac, Croatia

Jablanac Shipwreck

The remains of a sunken military ship wreck visible through clear water.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik Cathedral Treasury (Riznica Katedrale)

A wunderkammer of gold and silver reliquaries and ancient saintly bones.
Zagreb, Croatia

Brestovac Sanatorium

Once a state-of-the-art tuberculosis treatment spa, these ruins are now ruled by paintball players.