ams276's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Nashville, Tennessee

Robert's Western World

Fuel your honky-tonking with this venue's unbeatable “Recession Special.”
Nashville, Tennessee

Ryman Alley

The alley connecting two of country music’s most historic venues has a rich history of its own.
Montauk, New York

Camp Hero

A mysterious air force base built to resemble a Long Island fishing village.
Sag Harbor, New York

Sag Harbor Cinema

This century-old independent movie theater with an iconic Art Deco neon sign survived a devastating fire in 2016.
Sands Point, New York

Sands Point Preserve

The former estate of the Guggenheims, part of the opulent Gold Coast that inspired the Great Gatsby.
Cold Spring Harbor, New York

The Whaling Museum

Whale bones, scrimshaw, and sperm oil make up just a part of this comprehensive collection of whaling history.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Ingebretsen's Scandinavian Gifts

Hub of Scandinavian culture in a Minneapolis deli.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Mill City Museum and site of "The Great Mill Disaster"

When flour explodes, it's not a pretty sight.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Pillsbury A-Mill

This old residential building was once the largest flour mill in the world.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Grain Belt Bottle Cap Sign

This landmark honoring a local beer brand is an iconic part of the Minneapolis skyline.
Minneapolis, Minnesota


One of two giant blue cockerel statues erected with an intentional double meaning.
St. Louis Park, Minnesota

Peavey-Haglin Experimental Concrete Grain Elevator

This unassuimng grain elevator, commonly confused for a smokestack, helped inspire the modern architecture movement.
Bloomington, Minnesota

The Mall of America

Equal parts record-breaking temple to consumerism and bizarre fun park, it's more than you think it is...
Edina, Minnesota

Southdale Center Shopping Mall

Opened in 1956, the first modern indoor shopping mall in the world was inspired by the shopping arcades found in European cities.