AndSharp's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Honolulu, Hawaii

Ali’iolani Hale

Once the site of the Hawaiian monarchy, this building was originally designed as a palace.
Honolulu, Hawaii

Iolani Palace

The only royal palace on U.S. soil has been a territorial capitol, a military headquarters, and a prison for a queen.
Honolulu, Hawaii

Ka Hale La’au

Hawai'i's oldest wooden house was shipped around Cape Horn from Boston in 1820.
Honolulu, Hawaii

'Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii'

An ode to one of the first concerts broadcast via satellite.
Lake Wales, Florida

Bok Tower Gardens

Possibly the most beautiful carillon in the world, set atop Iron Mountain in Florida.
Los Angeles, California

Ballerina Clown

A three-story, three-dimensional hobo clown in a tutu welcomes CVS shoppers.
Lakeland, Florida

'Child of the Sun' Campus

A Florida college boasts the world's largest single-site collection of structures designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
Los Angeles, California

River Under the First Bridge

An iconic location along the Los Angeles River where countless movie scenes are filmed.
Felicity, California

Felicity, California: Center of the World

Semi-recognized center of the world, with many oddities.
Ocotillo, California

Coyote's Flying Saucer Retrievals and Repairs

A UFO scrapyard in the California desert.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The Bronze Fonz

Statue dedicated to the star of an old television show.
Columbus, Ohio

Arnold Schwarzenegger Statue

A bronze of the man in all his sinewy glory celebrates his longtime connection to the Ohio city.
Scarborough, Maine

Lenny the Chocolate Moose

This 1,700-pound edible sculpture is way better than your average chocolate mousse.
New York, New York

Tammany Hall

The notorious headquarters of a corrupt political machine.
Brooklyn, New York


A modern zoetrope on the New York City subway.
Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth Stockyards

Belly up to the bar in Cowtown, don't forget to buy some boots.
Capitan, New Mexico

Smokey Bear's Grave

The final resting place of the living embodiment of the famous Forest Service symbol.
Pensacola, Florida

Fort Barrancas

This now-deactivated naval base defended the Florida coast for centuries.
Quincy, Massachusetts

Adams National Historical Park

The homestead of American patriot John Adams.
New Bedford, Massachusetts

The Oozing Whale Skeleton of New Bedford

For 20 years, this whale skeleton has been slowly dripping oil on the floor of the museum where it hangs.
Dallas, Texas

The Texas Woofus

A mythical chimera first sculpted in 1936 as a mix of the main animals of Texas livestock.
Benicia, California

Suisun Bay Ghost Fleet

The rusting remains of the largest assembled WWII fleet on the West Coast.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Stone Arch Bridge

The only arched bridge made of stone on the entire Mississippi River.
Pacific Grove, California

Monarch Grove Sanctuary

Every year, over 25,000 monarchs overwinter in Pacific Grove.