angelafairchild24's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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McMinnville, Oregon

Evergreen Aviation Museum

Home of Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose.
Miami, Oklahoma

Coleman Theatre

This historic theater's pipe organ still accompanies silent films just like it did in 1929.
Diamond, Missouri

World's Largest Small Electrical Appliance Museum

Thousands of small machines line the shelves of this personal collection which definitely delivers on its name.
Traverse City, Michigan

Traverse Colantha Walker's Grave

The world champion cow is buried within a historic old asylum.
Traverse City, Michigan

Botanical Garden Visitor's Center Gift Shop Tunnel

It leads to a former hospital’s old root cellar.
Kaltbach, Switzerland

Kaltbach Cave

A 22-million-year-old sandstone cave is a natural habitat for award-winning cheese.
Lucerne, Switzerland

Dance of Death Bridge

This historic covered bridge contains a series of macabre paintings that communicate one thing: everyone dies.
Lucerne, Switzerland

Lion of Lucerne

This memorial commemorating fallen Swiss Guards of the French Revolution has been called the saddest stone in the world.
Strasbourg, France

Stained-Glass Demons

Explore this medieval cathedral by trying to spot all the malevolent monsters hiding in its beautifully colored windows.
Strasbourg, France

Historic Wine Cellar of Strasbourg Hospital

This 14th century wine cellar is home to the oldest barrel-stored wine in the world.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

City Hall Urinal

A public urinal so pretty, it was declared a national monument.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Red Light Secrets

This museum housed in a former brothel explores the past and present of sex work in Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


This city square is home to Amsterdam's oldest church and a statue honoring Dutch sex workers.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Brouwerij ’t IJ

This bird-loving brewery is situated in an old municipal bathhouse, nestled beside a 300-year-old windmill.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam Cheese Museum

This cheese shop also houses a museum devoted to Dutch dairy.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Theater Tuschinski

A beautifully eclectic mix of architectural styles.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam Oersoep

A Dutch passageway's artistic, aquatic-themed makeover pays tribute to the capital city's famed waterways.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

A'DAM Lookout and Over The Edge Swing

This 22-floor tower's Skydeck offers panoramic views of Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

In't Aepjen

This historic Amsterdam bar used to accept sailor's monkeys as payment.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Torture Museum

Museum preserving torture methods from the past.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Electric Ladyland: The Museum of Fluorescent Art

The world's only museum devoted to the wonders of fluorescence.
Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands

Beth Haim Cemetery

A Portuguese Jewish cemetery filled with stunning grave monuments that date back to 1614.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Hash, Marijuana and Hemp Museum

The history and future of cannabis.
Davenport, Iowa

Bix Beiderbecke Museum & Archives

This small museum is dedicated to one of the most influential, yet obscure, jazz legends of Prohibition.